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You ever look at someone and think damn I'm gonna marry this person but, you can't get the right words out to tell them this. It's an unbearable urge to scream it at them that you love them but you can't because it might mess up the great thing that you already have with this person. This person for me was Marcus Abbott. 

Marcus and I have been friends since birth. Evelyn was best friends with my mom Lily. They would hang out everyday and my mom would always make me come and play with Marcus and Regan. I never minded Regan she was like a big sister I always wanted and needed. I went to her when I needed to talk to someone and get advice from someone about boys. She always told me I was the gay brother she had always wanted. 

Marcus and I started off rough. It all started when I had taken his GI Joe to make as Regan and I's barbies boyfriend. He got all pissed and yelled at me for touching his stuff. I told him to fuck off and he told on me for swearing. I was so mad at him I vowed not to talk to him ever again. However a couple nights later he walked up to me and told me that he had forgiven me and handed me a GI Joe doll. I hugged him right then and there which was a very daring move on my part when I was six. 

Our friendship was really tested when my mom died. She had found out she had breast cancer and in the next few months she was gone. It stung like hell when I realized I couldn't see my mom anymore. The only thing I had left of her was all of the pictures and memories. Dad had taken it pretty hard. He started going to therapy more often and so I would spend even more time at the Abbott's house. It was quite fun actually. My dad would sometimes come over and have a beer or something with Lee. Evelyn would always asks "Paul you staying for dinner?" my dad would always tell her no. Evelyn would still make a plate and we stayed for dinner every time. Dad's depression got pretty bad I would wake up and hear him crying in the middle of the night but he hated when I heard him cry and scream at me to go back to bed so I stopped asking if he was okay. 

This leads us to Marcus baseball game. My fourteenth birthday had arrived and I decided to go to Marcus baseball game and then my dad would be meeting the Abbott's and I at the farm. "You know what fuck you dumb ass hoe!" I screamed at the empire who was clearly paid off. "Auggie sit down" Regan signs to me. "whatever" I say and sit down. "I'm nervous for Marcus to bat" I sign to Regan. "He'll be fine" she signs back and I look to the batter. Marcus is the next one to bat. I see him look at his mom and she signs something to him. He then glances towards me. "you got this" I sign quickly and then Marcus moves to the bat. 

The pitcher from the team throws the first pitch and Marcus almost seems scared of the ball as it whips past his face. "Lets go Marcus you got this!" I scream and stand on the bleachers. I clap my hands trying my best to motivate him to hit the fucking ball. "Hey pitcher you suck!" I scream and the empire turns his head towards me giving me a warning. "Turn around you don't wanna make another terrible call!" I scream. The pitcher then throws another pitch. The empire calls a strike and I almost yell but I'm stopped when I look up and see a large astroid looking thing fall from the sky. Every person looks at the peculiar thing in shock and then all panic sets in. 

"Auggie, Regan lets go" Lee says grabbing us both by the shoulders and off of the bleachers. "What the fuck is that?" I ask looking up at the thing in the sky. It almost looked like a spaceship. "I don't know" Lee said. I quickly run up to Marcus patting him on the back. "Hey what was that?" Evelyn asks Lee who is pushing Regan towards the car. "I don't know" I get into the car. "Im gonna take the kids home and Auggie back to Paul" Evelyn says and then the four of us hop in the car. I carefully buckle up Beau and Evelyn thanks me. 

Evelyn pulls out of the park where the baseball game is held and turns on the radio. She whispers words of reassurance to Beau and rubs his shoulders. "We'll be fine I'm sure it was some astroid and it might've even landed in one of our backyards so we can get rich off it" I say and Marcus laughs. "Shut up Auggie you're so annoy---" All of a sudden a huge creature jumps onto a car and breaks it. Its claws scratch the windshield leaving a large crack on it. Evelyn then speeds past it almost hitting people in the streets. 

"It's okay we're okay" Evelyn says and Marcus begins to hyperventilate. "Thats Lee!" I scream as we pass Lee's car. Evelyn looks back at the car and straight into an intersection. A speeding bus is in front of us. Evelyn quickly puts the car in reverse awhile Marcus is screaming "mom!, mom!, mom!" "What the fuck is that thing?" I yell as I see the creature slip out of the windshield of the bus. Then the car hits another car causing me to smash the side of my head onto the window cutting the side of my head. I feel part of my head gushing blood. 

"It's okay baby" Evelyn says checking on Marcus and then Beau. "Are you alright?" I ask turning Marcus head towards me. He seems to be a bit in shock as he touches the blood on his head. "Don't worry you're okay" I say reassuringly. I then quickly unbuckle Beau and grab him out of his carseat. "Go!" Evelyn says and we all quietly get out of the car and sprint towards a police car. I hand Beau to Evelyn and she whispers "Thank you" I quickly get with Marcus and grab his hand. I start to pray for the wellbeing of my father. 

Marcus and I both lift our heads and peak out to see a police officer shoot one of the creatures. Marcus then immediately sits down and covers his ears. I wish I had done the same when I hear the police officer get chopped in half. Wow this wasn't a very good birthday. 

Hello everyone! I watched quiet place two and I decided to write a fanfic about Marcus. This story is a gay story and I am in no way of questioning Marcus sexuality but they haven't said anything on that. I am in no way sexualizing Noah Jupe either. This story is just for fun. I thought I would do my own spin on the movie by adding August Maplegrid a loud turned quiet boy. 

Appearance: Auggie has curly brown hair with a bit of freckles. He has blue eyes and is a little shorter then Marcus. 

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