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How does that saying goes? The one of The Avengers, kill one of them and two more shall take its place or something along those lines.

One problem in their relationship is solved yet two more always seem to come through.

Taylor is so done with everything.

Not only people are starting to speculate about their relationship but also a good portion of the internet is saying how the McLaren drivers are only going to end up hating each other because people are saying they will fall in love.

She shouldn't worry, Lando loves her, he has said it multiple times. But the worry is still there no matter what and all she can do is swallow her worries and smile to the cameras.

There's no point in thinking about those rumors, all her brain was doing is creating fake scenarios so she would grow anxious, she shouldn't.

And that's why she avoids him at the paddock as best as she can, because who knows people are watching their very move. It wouldn't surprise her if there is an episode of Drive to Survive solely about their relationship.

But any who, the Australian Grand Prix arrived faster than she thought. Same pressure as last year, high expectations, and the anxiety and depression still there.

But it's life you know.

Although she is feeling the pressure of it all, having her younger brother at her side does bring her a sense of calmness she thought James could never do.

And after Friday practice she skipped towards the drivers briefing, avoiding any kind of press that basically throw themselves at her face.

Lando felt nothing but utter disdain as he focused on the girl across the room as she walked in with a smile.

Her green eyes were sparkling in the light, the laughter filling his ears as he attempted to focus on anything but her.

He failed.

Lando felt nothing but utter disdain. He wanted her sparkly eyes to meet his, he wanted to be the one causing her laughter. But most of all, he wanted her.

His happiness went over the moon whe she willingly chose to sit next to him. He can never get used to her even being close to him. "You look beautiful today" he claimed.

Taylor fake huffed at his shameless flirting. "Stop acting ridiculous" she told him so, if someone heard him they'll be in so much trouble. She attempted to disguise the blush on her face, although it was proved unsuccessful.

Flustered and anxious, she turned to him to notice that his smile had turned to a smirk as Lando stares at her with an awestruck gaze that was filled with complete admiration.

As their eyes met and no more was needed to be said. They didn't utter a word but how they looked at each other unwilling gave away everything.

Taylor was the one to break their staring. Focusing instead on the changes and questions different drivers suggest for the track.

Sitting lazily in his chair, he kept his eyes focused on the floor, occasionally sneaking glances at the girl sitting on his left.

He watched as she raised her hand, how her colourful bracelets clinked together and a small smile grew as she spoke.

But as she looks towards him, he turned away refusing to believe that he could give the world to someone like her.

There is something so special about her, it's as if the world turns brighter whenever he looks at her. Staring at her in wonder, he took note of her melodious laugh, the way she tilted her head when she is confused, as well as when she daydreams when she feels anxious: which she does often.

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