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"I'm not so sure about this Gigi" Lando said as he looked up at the mountain already with his snowboard and all suited up. Taylor inside was laughing at how funny he looked, his eyes constantly staring at the chair lifts that would take them up the slopes and he looked chubby with all the jackets and pants on him. She wanted to go snowboarding as it was something she liked doing but unlike her, Lando had never done it before so it was hard to convince him to do something new.

"What?- but why?" Said Taylor as she laughed a little, he looked so funny.

"Because, I've never done this before"

"There's always a first time for everything, don't worry Lan"

"What if I die?"

Ever since the F1 season started, Lando had this fear at the back of his mind. He was scared of dying in the middle of the race, then the problem grew as he feared everything he did. He was constantly thinking about the outcome of everything and it wasn't always pleasant. It wasn't good, because the moment a driver fears racing, it's over. But Lando didn't want to talk about it to anybody, he was scared to admit out loud he needed help.

"You won't die because you have the best coach in the universe- me" Taylor was good at it, but not good enough to teach Lando how to go down the slope for the first time, without falling or crashing right into a tree. "As a matter of fact the worst that can happen is that you fall but you can stand up once again"

Yeah, he was gonna die.

"You just can't give up on life like that all because you are scared. What's life without a little risk?"

Okay maybe she quoted a Harry Potter phrase, but he doesn't have to know about that.

In a few seconds it was their turn to sit on the lift. It definitely took a few tries of Lando in order to sit on the chair. He constantly fell down right as the lift was going up, it took multiple tries but he finally got it.

Now onto the worst part, getting off the lift.

But he didn't have to know that. At least not yet.

"How is it so far?" Taylor asked as she looked at him sideways while they got higher and higher.

"I can already know you won't help me and instead laugh at me all day"

Taylor laughed really hard as she just remembered Lando trying to get on the chair, the amount of times he fell on his face or his snowboard got stuck in between his legs were too many to count. All she could do was laugh at him as he tried countless of times to get on the chair. Maybe she should have taken him to the kids slope so he could learn first, but where was the fun in that?

"I'm sorry, but it was too funny" Laughed Taylor. Lando chuckled as well, glad he could put a smile on her face. Her laugher was adorable as her cheeks got all rosy and her beautiful smile showed her perfect teeth.

Taylor felt her stomach drop when Lando grabbed her hand when the lift chairs did a little jump. He grabbed her thigh at the same, squeezing her really hard as he looked around in panic. "What was that!?"

"We're going to die Lando, that's why I brought you here"

"Shut up Taylor, you're worst than my brother, a pain in the ass" Said Lando while rolling his eyes, she was always teasing him no matter what."Don't you have like seven brothers?" Giggled Lando like a girl.

"What's up with the giggle?" She teased, "And no, I have in fact four brothers"

"Poor you"

"I know" Taylor always suffered from having four brothers on her back constantly bullying her no matter what, it caused her to be more strong but it still was hard to deal with so many boys on her own.

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