His name is trouble

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I stepped out of the car as fast as I could when I came to a stop in front of our school. I went around the car to help out Clara, she looks like she's about to faint.

"Can you stand?" I throw her arm onto my shoulder and helped her get out of the car.
"I feel a little dizzy."

I heard Kyle let out of a chuckle from the front of the car. "Oh suck it up Clara, is only a car drive!"

I feel like punching him! How could he say that! He knew how much Clara hates cars, buses, boats....basically any kind of transportations. "Shut up and come help me."

He signed. "Fine. I don't want to go to English anyways, I'll take her to the nurse."

I grabbed my bag from the car and speed walked towards the school. "Well I guess that means I'm free to go then." I winked and Clara before rushing off into the school.


"314....315...316....317...ah ha!" I stopped in front of my locker to put down my gym strip. I placed a magnetic mirror on my locker, and touched up on my lipgloss. I took my time to organize my locker and finally closed it and locked it with my blue new lock; Clara and I decorated in the summer.

I started walking to my first period class; which is Science. I walked in the bumps into something hard, ,my binder hit the ground smashed the rings open. The next thing I know, the ground is covered with in lined paper. I stared at the ground gasping. No! This cannot be happening! I kneel down trying to grab as many lined paper as I can and stuffing them into my now-broken-binder.

"Here." I see a hand reaching towards me with a stack of lined paper. "You look like you can use some help."

"Oh....um....Thanks." I grab the stack of paper from his hand, and I kept my head down because of how embarrassed I am, I don't want anyone to see me like this. I looked around for more papers but there was bone left. I slowly stood up.

"Thank you so-" I looked up and froze. The guy standing before me smirked with amusement, and just because of that single gesture I wanted to melt to his arms.

He chuckled. "No problem, there's no harm done."

I try to speak but no words came out, instead my eyes focused on his sunburn face and dark brown hair looking so soft I resisted the urge to touch it. He's blue eyes amused and arrogant staring into my, making me imagine how amazing it would feel to kiss his soft lips, before traveling down to he's perfect jawline.

"Hello?" He's deep amused voice broke through me, my eyes flow up to meet his laughing blue eyes. "Aren't you going to apologize for bumping into me?"

Can you die from embarrassment? Right now, I'm not sure I'd fight it if it could. "Um y-yeah, sorry." I shattered as my cheek started to turn red.
Did I really just stand there, checking him out like some kind of idiot!

I have to get out of here before I embarrass my self even more. "Excuse me." I said nervously looking down at the ground as I tried to walk past the tallboy.

"Hey! where are you going?" I heard him call after me but I ignored him and took the seat in the back of the class beside the window.

That was so embarrassing! Great. Now I can never look at him without thinking of how clumsy I was. In fact now everyone knows how clumsy I am.

Yay life!

"Mind if I sit here?" I looked up and once again I met the gorgeous blue eyes that was laughing a moment ago.

"Um... are you sure you want to?" I faked a laugh, "I might accidentally hit you again."

He laughed "I would gladly get hit by a pretty girl like you."


"I said-"

"I know you said." I gave him a blank stare. I hate guys like him, who is blessed with incredible good looks. But the moment he opens his mouth, I just wish he never spoke again. "So you wouldn't mind me hitting you in the face right now, would you?"

"Go right a head." He said in a mocking tone. "As long as your not scared."

Does he think that I'm afraid to hit him? He is so wrong, why would I be afraid!

"I'm not a fragile little girl." I smirked back. "I'm not the one who is about to get a black eye."

"It doesn't matter. You're too weak anyway."

"Excuse me?" Oh no, you didn't just insult me to my face! I will make you regret it!

I'm not as weak as he think I am. He is underestimating me. I hate when people do that.

"I said you're- "

"I heard what you said!" I snapped. Oh you are massing with the wrong girl.

"Then why do you keep acting like you didn't?!" He laughed.

This time I pulled my hand back into a fist and closed my eyes as I aimed at him. In less than two seconds I found my fist enveloped into his hand only centimeters away from his face. He cocked his hand to the side, looking very amused.

"Aww, why aim at my face? How could you even think about hurting a pretty face like mine?"

"You told me to punch you." I replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"It actually wasn't that bad." He commented. "For a girl anyways."

I swear, his stupid, sexy smirk is nothing but trouble. After tearing my eyes away from his intense stare, I continued to stare out the window.

"Do you often check out people you run into?"

My mouth almost hit the ground, I blushed yet agin. Is that what he thought I was doing? It was nothing of the sort. His incredibly good looks has nothing to do with it.

"I wasn't checking you out." I stuttered, failing to sound strong as I'd meant to.

"And I'm not Pitch Coleman." He laughed.

Pitch Coleman? That's his name?

Thats hot!

I mentally slapped myself. STOP THINKING ABOUT HOW HOT HE IS, he is nothing but trouble.

So? what if I was checking him out, he doesn't have to know that.

"Think whatever you want. Is the truth."

"Okay, I will."

I narrowed my eyes. "Fine."


For the next ten minutes we sat there in silence, until the bell finally rang. A red headed man with thick glasses walked in. "Good morning class, I'm Mr. Woo, and I'm going to be your teacher for chemistry 11."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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