School starts in 3...2...1...

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"Summer hurry up! We are going to be late!!" Clara yelled through my closed door."I thought you said you were ready!"

I reach up to put on my favorite Cherry colour lipstick. "I am, but is the the first day I want to look my best."

"We both know you're doing this just to impress Luke."

I gently put the eyelash curler against my eyelid and began to squeeze the coldness of the metal send shivers through my body. "I'm doing this for myself, impressing him is just a bonus."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Clara teased. "But you better hurry up. School starts in less than 20 minutes."

"Okay okay!" I said as I comb through my hair with my hand and checking myself one last time in the mirror. The girl in the mirror staring back at me, oval-shaped your face looking flawless, Caramel brown eyes with gold around the pupils. Long dark red brown hair framing the thin pale face.

Those excited brown eyes lowered, taking in a cute floral dress with leather jacket and red Converse. The outfit Clara and I picked out weeks before. Normally I would put my hair up in a ponytail but today with this outfit I decided to let it down. It hang a little past my shoulders with the loose curls at the bottom, it does that when I don't blow dry my hair after I shower.

As soon as I opened the door, Clara grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the stairs.

"Kyle is waiting for us." Clara stated.

"What! Why?"

"Lucky for us Kyle said he can pick us up."

I stared at her in disbelief. "When did you ask him?"

"While you were in the washroom."

Clara stated simply as she puts on her sparkling black heels, which match perfectly with the shiny black belt that she were with her hot pink shorts and a white blouse.

"You never said anything about Kyla and a ride! And besides, you can't stand cars you always get car sick."

"She took out her favorite colourless lipgloss, and ran it across her lips. "Well excuse me for not wanting to be late!"

"Lipgloss! You're putting on the lipgloss!"

She did a kissy face at the reflection of herself in my window, before turning to face me. "So?"

"What do you mean 'so'?! We both know you only put on that lipgloss when you want to get a guys attention!" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Who? Is it Kyle?"

She scratched her head and turned away. "No?"

It sounds more like a question than an answer.

"We have been best friends for as long as I could remember, that means I can tell when you're lying." I rolled my eyes at her. "Now everything makes sense, that's why you texted him, telling him we need a ride!"

"Summer..I ..." She tries to explain but I cut her off again, I know I'm on to something.

"You have a crush on him since fifth grade, but you told me you stop liking him when the high school started. I said try to figure out Clara's sudden interest. "When did you start liking him again?"

"Okay. Fine. You caught me!" She rolled her eyes. I like Kyle!"

"When were you planning on telling me?"

"When I have my feelings for him figured out."

"And...when is that?"


"Clara, considering how well I know you, how long did you think you'll be able to keep this for me?"

"I know you will find out eventually...."


"But I didn't want to admit it to myself yet, and I just feel like if I told you it would become true."

"There's nothing wrong about liking him." I comforted her. "Why are you so afraid to fall for him?"

"Because I know he will never like me back," she stared out into the window. "He only think of me as a friend nothing more."

I smirked at her when I saw a red race car pull up in front of my house. "Then let's change that."

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