Chapter 4: First Love?

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At the sound of the name, the man dropped Genea hard on the floor and was ready for a fight. They both took out a deck of cards. Akiza was amazed because this was the first time she ever saw a real monster duel. All she knows is that it is kind of like a gun showdown between two or more duelists. The duelist draw their monster card and the deck is made up of monsters, spells, and traps. If you get hit by a monster that has more power, you lose, so you would have to pick your deck carefully. And when the players show their card, they have to battle using that monster and other monsters  Yusei and the man both drew one card.

Yusei looked at Akiza behind him and nodded towards Genea, still on the ground. Akiza understood and went to her, keeping out of sight of the man. Meanwhile, Yusei and the driver began the match and held out a card. “ I have Gogogo Golem. What do you have, ya scum?!?!? ” the man yelled. “ All right. If you are so eager, I guess I will show my card,” Yusei said annoyingly. “ Time to REV IT UP!!! Come, Majestic Star Dragon!!!!” “Fine. Then we will do battle with Gogogo Golem and Majestic Star Dragon. I’m sure to win!!” the man said cruelly. They both summoned their monsters in a majestic light. And so the battle began. “ All right, Majestic Star Dragon, attack the fighter!!!’’ Yusei said to Star Dragon. “All right, Gogogo Golem, counter his attack!!!” the man ordered. The monsters clashed at their master’s command and when the light finally dimmed, Star Dragon was the only left standing. “NOOOOO!!!!!!! ,“ the man said in agony.

By the time the duel ended, Akiza already had Genea and was ready to leave. Instead, Yusei said calmly, “ Halt. What is your name, little girl?”  Akiza was suddenly scared when Yusei lifted his sword and took off Akiza’s hood and revealed her red hair. Yusei’s eyes became wide with bewilderment and wonder. “ I … I never thought I would see this kind of hair again,” Yusei gaped in shock. “ Oh! Excuse me for being so unkind.” Yusei said, helping Akiza get back up. “My name is Yusei. I was just taking a walk into town when I heard someone screaming. I ran and saw myself here saving you and your sis-....wait, what are your names?”  Yusei asked. “M-my name… is Akiza. And my sister is Genea,” Akiza stammered in embarrassment based on how close Yusei was holding her.

“Oh...OH, OH! “ Yusei yelled with embarrassment as he too noticed how he was holding Akiza so close to him. “ I’m so sorry! I should have never done that! Did it make you feel uncomfortable?!” That is when she noticed the scar on Yusei’s arm from the fight. “ Yusei, you’re hurt. Please let me treat it as payment for saving me and my sister,” Akiza said kindly, planting a seed of love without even knowing into both of their hearts.

Book 1: Duelist with the Red Hair: Yusei and Akiza  Where stories live. Discover now