Meeting Her Wife

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

It's been almost a week since I first met Mrs. Miller and I feel so wrong about how I feel. Ughhh 

"Okay, but she probably doesn't even feel the same way. Plus, she's freaking married, what about her husband? What the hell am I doing? I can't be her experiment like I was with others" I groan look at Bre as we sit on the couch.

She looks at me and bursts out laughing and I pause the movie we were watching and look at her like she's out of her mind. "What the hell are you laughing at? This is serious!" I whine and toss a pillow at Bre as she stops laughing.

"Okay. Okay. Calm down, child. I was only laughing because you think she has a husband." Bre says and plays the movie. 

I look at her confused and pause the movie again causing her to groan "What now?" She looks at me. 

"She has a wife? I thought the Lord forbade it" I cross my legs under me interested in what's going on. 

"He did but didn't you hear. He died and his daughter took over and she is Mrs. Miller's wife" Bre tosses her phone at me so I can read the article. 

"What the actual fuck" I read the article and dodge Bre's hand as she tried to hit me for cursing."Wow. That's great. I mean not great for him but for us" I sigh and pass Bre her phone.

"But?" She says looking at me as I lean on her shoulder "But now the only difference is she has a wife instead of a husband. So it's still wrong to like her" I pout and play the movie feeling even worse than before. I can't be anyone's side chick. Especially not the queen's wife.

*Next Day at School*

*Kandies P.O.V*

"I promise you, babe. She's the one and I can tell she likes me by the way she eyes me and bites her lip when she looks at me. And she submits so easily to me babe" I calmly look at my wife as she paces in front of my desk. 

"But how do you know she will like me? Maybe she only likes you. Then you wouldn't be able to have her. And what if she's not a vampire? You know how I get around fresh blood." Nina stops pacing and looks at me sulking.

I stand up and walk to her holding her waist. "If she doesn't like you. You have your ways of making people like you. And I promise she's a vampire I saw her looking at her fangs in the mirror a few days ago. Plus don't you think she would have been dead or fed from by now if she was human? Just sit in here with me you will meet her soon. She's in my first period."

"Why the hell didn't you say that in the beginning?" She hisses narrowing her eyes at me causing me to let her go and look away laughing nervously. "Doesn't your first period start in a few minutes?" She glances at the clock

"I-I just thought about it. I forgot to tell you." I quickly say before kissing her and leading her to a seat beside my desk so that I don't get hit. I'm most definitely a dom but she's in control.

 Nina glares at me before telling me to go stand by the door so I know when Aaliyah is coming.

*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

I slowly walk towards Mrs. Miller's class contemplating turning back around and booking it out the front door before I see her standing in her doorway looking at me with an excited smile on her face. 

"Ughh she's so beautiful" I mumble under my breath before approaching her doorway and avoiding eye contact. 

When I get into the class I keep my eyes on the floor as I walk to my seat causing my clumsy ass to walk into my desk. I look up as I hear the other kids whispering about the queen and as soon as I look up I lock eyes with one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen in my life, other than Mrs. Miller. 

*Nina's P.O.V*

I knew it was her as soon as she came into the room and damn was Kandie right. She is perfect and everything we wanted in a little. I watched her walk in and sit down. As soon as she looked up from her book we locked eyes. I want her. Now.

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