Do you know what mdlg is?

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*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

I do my work and try not to look up into those mesmerizing hazel eyes of hers but something keeps drawing me back to them. I look up at the clock and see that it's almost time for the bell to ring and I try to hurry and put my things in my bag. I can not deal with the humiliation of the queen finding out that I like her wife and shit her too.

I hear the bell ring and quickly walk to the door before hearing my name being called but this time it's a different voice so I turn around to see the queen standing behind me causing me to step back nervously. 

"You like my wife" she says

I gasp and choke on my breath as I look at her "I-I... what? I'm sorry?-" I stutter incoherently, dropping my stuff in the process. I look up to see Mrs. Miller walking forward to help me pick up my books and laughing as her wife smiles.

"Well, I guess that answers my question then" she looks at me smirking, and leans against the desk as Mrs. Miller places my bag on a chair. 

"I'm sorry about my wife, she doesn't beat around the bush" I look at them both trying to figure out what the hell is going on. 

"Am I in trouble?" I ask looking at Mrs. Miller slightly nervous to look at the queen. "No, not at all. We just have a few questions for you" She leads me to a seat and they both stand in front of me which most definitely doesn't help with my nervousness. 

"Now that I know you like my wife. I need to know if you like me" The queen looks at me with a serious expression as I nod my head. "Words dear" she encourages. 

"Yes. I like you both" I say quietly trying to see where this is going.

"That's good. Now sweetheart do you know what a poly relationship is? And do you know what mdlg is?" My eyes widen and I nod my head but quietly give her a yes knowing she wants me to talk. "So you know what both are?" she asks looking at Mrs. Miller hopefully.

"Yes ma'am. I do" I look down at my hands anxiously before feeling a hand lift my chin.

"Are you a little Aaliyah?" she looks into my eyes and I shift uncomfortably in my chair before saying yes. "Would you like to be our little?" I quickly look between the two women and gasp.

"A-are you serious?" I question as they look at me waiting for an answer "Of course I would" I smile at them happily bouncing in my seat.

*Nina's P.O.V*

In my head, I was jumping around with joy and excitement but I had to stay serious so that I could lay down the rules and punishments before she could fully accept us as her mommies. 

"We still have to discuss the rules and punishments babygirl" I say and Aaliyah quickly stops bouncing and whines."We can talk about that after school because you have to get to class" I state as I rub her hair back into its puff. "Okay" she reluctantly gets up and grabs her bag. "Kandie give her a note so she doesn't get detention. Because I will cause a scene if she gets in trouble after we held her back" I look at Kandie as she writes the note and passes it to Aaliyah. "See you later baby girl. Be good"

*Aaliyah's P.O.V*

I slowly walk toward my next class as Bre comes up behind me and starts tickling me causing me to squeal and push her away "Stop it, you idiot" I laugh and poke her side as we walk to class together. "But guess what happened" I look at her and spin around as I walk. "I have a mommyyy. Well, two actually" I giggle as her eyes widen and she jumps up and down holding my hands. 

"About time she asked you. But I didn't even know she was into mdlg or I would have told her about you when I realized how cool she was" she crosses her arms looking at me "If they hurt you I'm going to kill them." I shake my head and hug her "I know. Now come on. We're already late" 

Okayyyy... I am tired. But I feel like this story is going pretty well so far. I'm honestly just ready to get to the parts where they are officially together. Omg, it's gonna be sooo cute. Goodnight peeps.

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