'The Devil'- Chapter Eight

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Davina King

Two weeks.

That's how long I have been staying in Matteo's apartment. That's how long I have been training. That's how long the tension between me and Matteo has been rising. That's how long I have been questioning all of my life choices.

Everyday seemed like it was just a repeat of the last. Wake up, train for two hours, shower, sleep, repeat. I didn't think that I would be so desperate to start working, but everything has just become so boring that I need something to do.

Matteo was usually the one that would help me train because, as he said when we first started, 'I'm as successful as I am because I'm the best.' I figured it was just his massive ego talking but he was actually really good, though I would never admit it to his face. When it wasn't Matteo it was Kian.

It hadn't taken me long to get used to the two of them. While they were both extremely serious and hard working, they could also act like children sometimes. I'd seen and heard them bickering like an old married couple so many times. I even got the chance to witness them literally wrestling in the middle of the living room one night.

Kian was still the flirty cocky asshole that he was when we first met but it didn't really piss me off as much now.

Matteo on the other hand, he of course, would still piss me off easily. It was like a game between us at this point. One of us would do or say something to anger the other, we'd do or say something to make the sexual tension rise, and then we would walk away like it didn't even happen.

I know it was probably bad to be thinking about him in that way but he just had a way with his words and actions that could probably make any women get the feeling of butterflies in her core. One night I literally had to refrain myself from jumping on him and fucking him in the middle of the kitchen.

After Matteo and I finished up in the gym that was in his building, he told me that we would be going to one of his clubs tonight with Kian since he had to meet with a business partner. He didn't leave me in the apartment alone often. My guess was he still didn't fully trust me to be by myself.


It was currently seven pm, Matteo said we would be leaving in about half an hour. I never really took too long to get ready so after my shower I just blow dried my hair and let it hang down in its natural waves. I did my make up, keeping it fairly light.

I assumed that this club would be on the nicer side since Matteo owned it, so I decided to wear a black dress that crossed in the front to show off a small bit of my stomach but a lot of my cleavage. I paired it with black heals and then I was ready.

I walked towards the kitchen, where I figured they would already be waiting. The sound of my heals hitting against the flooring every time I took a step caught the attention of the two men that were waiting for me.

They looked up at the same time, neither one of them saying anything for a moment. Both sets of eyes ran from my head to my toes, studying me and my body for a good minute.

Finally I got fed up with them acting like desperate teenage boys. "Are we going to leave or are ya'll just going to sit there and stare all night?"

Kian of course was the first one to move towards me. Once he was in front of me, he looked me over once again. "For the record, I would be perfectly fine staying here with you all night." I rolled my eyes at his remark and he walked to the door.

I knew Matteo had seen me roll my eyes. "Not gonna get mad because I rolled my eyes? I do recall you saying that I was a brat for doing it a couple days ago."

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