The Red Room

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"будь быстрее, да / нет" (bud' bystreye, da/net: Be quicker y/n) Melina Shouted as she threw a punch at me. I  did as she instructed and quickly ducked. I swung my leg and swept her feet out from under her, once on the ground we fought for sometime before me ending on top, my baton pressing tightly on her throat blocking airflow. She tapped my thigh twice indicating I had won the fight. One of the other widows went over and helped the coughing Instructor up.

"Извините мисс мелина" (Izvinite miss Melina: Sorry Miss Melina" I said as I stood at attention hands folded behind my back.

"Congratulations Soldier. You've won yet another fight. You never fail to show why you were made captain." Melina Said in a raspy Russian accent, still struggling from the previously crushed windpipe. A new soldier appeared at the doorway beckoning Melina over. The soldier soon left after delivering the news and Melina turned to me. "Солдат новой миссии, найди Елену и Аню. Затем встретитесь в офисе Дрейкова для дальнейших инструкций." (Soldat novoy missii, naydi Yelenu i Anyu. Zatem vstretites' v ofise Dreykova dlya dal'neyshikh instruktsiy: New mission soldier, find Yelena and Anya. Then meet in Dreykov's office for further instruction)


After finding the other two widows we reported back to Dreykov as was told. He informed us of the mission. Retrieve the package and kill the targets. Should be an easy get in get out mission.  We were now on our way to the jet after grabbing the weapons and tools we are required to have. Before leaving the building we are stopped by three guards with needles.
      "все вдовы принимали успокоительное перед выходом" (vse vdovy prinimali uspokoitel'noye pered vykhodom: All widows sedated before exit) One of the guards says.

   "нет дерьма" (net der'ma: No shit) Yelena snaps back. The guard steps towards her but I put myself between them.

  "ты знаешь, что не сможешь справиться с тремя вдовами, если начнешь что-то. солдат." (ty znayesh', chto ne smozhesh' spravit'sya s tremya vdovami, yesli nachnesh' chto-to. soldat.: You know you can't take on three widows if you start something. Soldier.) With that he stepped back and injected the liquid into my neck. Then, the world went black


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I woke up on the dirt in Recife, Brazil, the other two widows waking up as well. As soon as we were aware of our surroundings we sprung into action. "Yelena take the west building, Anya take the north. I'll take the south." I say in the thick Russian accent that all widows have.

"Copy that" Yelena said as she and Anya started heading towards their destination.

"And Yelena? Take the order's this time." Referring to our last mission. She nodded in conformation so I turned towards my respective building and began to climb. Once in position I set up the sniper rifle and rested on the scope.

"I have eyes on a target and the package" Yelena speaks through the com's.

"Copy that, I have eyes on the second target" I say back.

"Do you have a window for a clear shot?" Anya asked.

"Negative. Yelena?" I respond

"I can't shoot when Y/n isn't clear. It could sabotage the mission"

"Yelena, I can handle the target. Take the orders and if you have a clear shot, shoot!" I ordered. I hear a deep breath, then a sigh.

"Target dead but package on the run. Orders?"

"Yelena retrieve the package, Anya go with her. Make sure she gets the package."

"Copy that" Target two is now on the run as well but with a little bit on running it should be an easy race. I tie a rope to the building railing and run down the side of the wall, unlatching at the bottom. Breaking into a sprint I chase after the target till I corner her in a food court. I pull out my gun ready to take the aim when someone grabs my hair. As I yelp a man throws me backwards, my gun disappearing. I struggle to get out of the man's grasp, when I pull out my knife and make a deep gash in his arm. I run at him and wrap my legs around his neck and twist to use the momentum to bring him down right into the women. The man gets up and charges again but I am quick on my feet, wrapping my arms around his neck I run through his legs, bringing his looming figure down once again.

The women throws punches and kicks and I do the same occasionally slashing at her with my knife. Out of the corner of my eye I see the man start to get up so I sweep the women's legs out from under her and deliver a blow to the face and turn to face the man who started running towards me. I run towards him using his knee as a step for one foot, the other delivering a blow to the face sending him backwards. I then throw the knife directly into the man's windpipe. He staggers and then falls, suffering in his final moments. Nothing I haven't seen before. I turn my focus again to the women who is now on her feet again. I pull out another knife from my boot once again delivering cuts and gashes to her body. She kicks one of my kneecaps so I hit the floor kneeling. She grabs my hair with one hand and my wrist with my knife in another. I writhe in agony as she holds my hair tighter. I smirk at her as she holds my wrist tighter. I drop the knife to my free hand and plummet the knife into her stomach. She gasps and goes to hold her stomach as I twist and pull my knife out, watching as her yellow shirt turns red as she crumples to the floor. I go to report on com's but I see the women mouth something.

"Go. Now is the perfect opportunity to disappear off Dreykov's radar."

"I won't make the same mistake you and the other ex widow made."

"Wanting to be in control of our own live-"

"No! Thinking you can get away from Dreykov! No matter how far you run or how long you hide, he always finds you. Look at you. No widow has escaped Dreykov." I snap back

"Except Natasha." At this I look at her confused.

"No more lies." With the I take out my knife, and slash her throat. Killing her off quicker.

"Package got away. Did you kill the target y/n?" Anya said over com's.

"Y/n?" Yelena added

"Who is Natasha?" Is all I could say

"A Widow who got killed in a solo mission, now mission report" Anya pressed. That was all the conformation I needed. Widows don't completely fail missions. I made an incision on my leg with my knife and took out the tracker that was placed inside. I took out my ear peace as well tossing it on the ground. I got up walking to the nearest store swiping a hoodie and sweat pants to cover up the widow suit to avoid further stares. A few pickpocketing runs later I was buying a buss ticket out of this town to Rio de Janeiro. A ticket out of the Red Room. A ticket to becoming a rogue widow.


      Word count 1263


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