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Only a few more days and then everything is ready, San thought. He inspected his work and was very proud of himself and especially of his hardworking workers, who had done it all so well.

"Wooyoung will love it!" He said to his new assistant who had agreed to accept the job after his application had, initially, not been selected for further consideration.

"I will be going then!" His assistant bid goodbye and left San's side meanwhile San smiled to himself and stepped inside the medium-sized detatched building.

Closing the door he got ready to drive to his and Wooyoung's shared home, what he liked to call it since Wooyoung had moved in with him.

When he arrived, everything seemed like any other Friday afternoon. The only difference, Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen.

San thought nothing of it and was about to go to the bathroom to take a hot, refreshing shower when his phone rang.

He threw everything on the table in front of him. Unknowingly that underneath was a message from Wooyoung that would change everything.

He took the vibrating object out of his pocket and saw his mother's number.

"Hey, Mom. How are you?" San answered while walking into the bathroom, put the call on loudspeaker and put the phone next to the sink.

"I'm fine, son. I'm calling because I wanted to ask if you and Wooyoung have time right now. I cooked too much again. Do you both want to come over? Your sister is here too!" His mother was happy. She really liked Wooyoung and for the past year she has grown extremely close to the younger one.

"I'm alone right now and just got home. I will try to call him and come over with him after I've showered." He answered while undressing.

San's mother agreed and hung up. San took a shower and tried to call Wooyoung three times until he gave up, leaving a note that said 'Went to my mother's. Will come home late. Don't wait for me!' on top of his things on the table and went to see his mother on his own.

After a short drive, San arrived at his mother's house and went inside.

At first, his mother wondered why he came alone and was a little sad because Wooyoung was always the mood maker when they were together, but slowly , she gave up on the situation and spent a nice evening together with her two children.

They laughed and joked. The evening was very relaxing for the family of three. The food was devoured but not before she put something aside for Wooyoung. She loved it when the younger one praised her cooking skills and devoured her food as if he had never eaten anything more delicious.

At midnight, San said goodbye to his mother. His sister had gone home an hour before him.

"I hope that next time he is not busy and that he can taste my delicious food again!" She smiled proudly and gently stroke her son's shoulder. San pulled her into his arms and gave her a gentle squeeze after kissing her cheek.

"I will tell him tomorrow. He is propably sleeping when I come home." San squeezed her hands and waved goodbye.

At home, however, he did not meet a sleeping Wooyoung. It seemed as if he hadn't even been home yet, as San saw the note still lying on top of his things on the table.

San checked his phone and saw no new messages from Wooyoung. He considered calling him again, but decided against it because it was quiet late now.

It occurred to San that Wooyoung could spend the night with Felix and Changbin so he pushed his thoughts into the back of his head and got ready for bed.

They hadn't spent a night alone since they had moved in together. Sleeping alone in the big bed was very weird for San. He pulled the younger ones pillow towards him and hugged it tightly. Only a few seconds later he fell into a gentle sleep and dreamed of his future together with Wooyoung.


YA'LL MINGI IS FBTSJGUYING BACK 😭 I've cried so much since... I actually wanted to upload this chapter that day but I was taken by surprise by the news that I couldn't get anything done😂

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