Hold the Blade

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Chapter 4

She remembers the day when her teacher brought her out of the Floating Castle. She remembers being so excited at the prospect of finally being able to leave the boundaries of a small city when she realizes exactly where she was being taken.

Horror? No...she's already felt too much to feel that emotion anymore. It was more like...acceptance of suffering and pain.

Standing in front of a cage easily a hundred times her size, she saw the divine eel swimming around its tight cage as it eyed her hungrily. Its gaping jaw dripping green saliva at the sight of her, a weak child, a meal.

"You must learn to kill" Were the first words her instructor told her. "Killing is regarded as a natural process of climbing the tower, a necessity."

From his back pocket, he fished out a small silver key. "Hesitating to kill will only result in your death. You, as the future of the main family, must never hesitate to swing your blade at our enemies no matter who they are; I expect your edge to sever the head of this fish, F.U.G, competitors, and even your brothers and sisters."

The tall man approached the cage as he opened a small door. An opening barely large enough for her to squeeze through.

"Now kill"


Blessings of her father was simply too efficient. The sword moved and sliced as if it were a part of her own arms. It seemed as if it stretched far and wide ignoring the boundaries of a physical blade.

The Divine Eel, a predator in the outer tower, lost its malice and aggression as red and blue lines began forming on all parts of its body. It's predatory glare lost to be replaced by a desperation for survival.

It didn't last.

It took less than a minute to make work of the divine eel to turn it into nothing more than chunks of bloody meat on the cage floor. Her blade returned to its normal silver as the glow from the shinsu faded. She couldn't understand how easy it was to take a life, no matter how small. As the life in the fish's eye fades, her smile never did...it didn't shake or falter, it remained steadfast.

Was it because of her fault in killing nearly all of mankind? Something to do with Phantaminum's gift? Or was she simply that heartless from the beginning? A small part of her was horrified at how easy she had taken it but the first thought she had a relief.

Relief that she wouldn't hesitate when her blade reached the top of Olympus. Relief that her blade would be able to draw blood without remorse.

"Good. We'll move onto the prisoners" The words of my instructor sounded proud, as if taking a life had pleased him.

She only kept grinning in response. It wasn't like she could do anything else other than smile the cursed smile.

Back to Present

My bare feet on the cold marble floor, I stood in a stance ready to slice apart my opponent. Staring her down, her eyes met mine...also unyielding.

In truth, I didn't even know her name nor did I really care; most likely she was a member of one of the branch families...weak and inexperienced but somehow chosen for candidacy.

When I challenged Rank 94, she surrendered immediately in which I proceeded to challenge rank 89. She, on the other hand, decided to accept my challenge which brings us here.

On the edge of the ring were audience or rather the other contestants watching our match to scout our abilities and strength. Since I was still in the 90s, near the very last, in the rankings, I needed to be careful about what injuries I sustained. Medical care apparently was also dependent on your current rank.

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