Accidental Genocide

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Chapter 12

Location: 2nd Floor, Evankell's Hell, The Floor of Test

Stepping out from the light, I found myself in a wide field with tall grass. The plants of the wheat field was so tall that it completely covered my sight, but after years of training under father, sight wasn't truly necessary if you could sense the shinsu around you.

So this is Evankell's Hell

It was a different...yet nostalgic sight. To see color once again, to see something other than the bleached white blankness of the 100th floor. To be able to see the blue shinsu ceiling instead of a bland infinite white light, it was refreshing.

For a floor that was nicknamed hell (other than the floor of death), it looked too peaceful and nice to be true. The very shinsu density in the air was thin...too weak and the lack of an omnipresent ruler on the floor watching everything seemed to decrease the pressure...just maybe.

But Headon, he knew I was an why didn't he send me to the first floor?

When the first administrator called me out on who I really was, I thought he was going to send me to the first floor. *Shudder* A place where it was rumored that Headon eliminated irregulars before they became a threat should be deem them unworthy.

Seeing the shrewd administrator's in person, any doubt of the rumors disappeared. Well, I could only hope to never meet him unless...

I thought of Enryu, the Red Tower. Unless I could become like him and do what he has accomplished...

As I began to sense around the wheat field, a loud speaker sounded from above, informing what she had expected.

" *beep* Ahh, Ahh! Mic test! Hello New Regulars! Welcome to the First test of the Tower. There are exactly 435 regulars in this batch! Your task is simple, its cough* *cough* *cough* Sorry, one moment *beep* " Apparently the test director was sick as he began coughing and the mic shut off.

" *beep* Okay, I'm back. know what? Let's have some fun! Only about 15 of you will make it anyway. Kill as many as you can within the next hour! Know that the less competition you have, the more you are likely to pass the test! Bye, going to get some coffee. *beep* "

Immediately the streaming's began as the smell of blood wafted into the air, the familiar smell of iron and rust.

"Visible Mode" My pocket turned visible as the number, assumably originally 435, began to drop rapidly. 433...431...430...

"DIE!" A human male jumped out from the tall wheats around her as he attempted to stab her with his needle. Her body acted on instinct as she instantly bisected the man in two, and also accidentally cutting away a large portion of the wheat field as well.

The less that remains, the less competition.

Only 15 out of 435...that was barely 3.4% of survival. I didn't know how they would choose the final remaining 15 but if it was completely dependent on exact number without regards to quality...then the answer was rather simple, wasn't it?

If there are less than 15 people remaining by the end of the first exam, then by error, she should pass by default. Right? No need to waste more time than necessary.

Weed out the weak

Spreading my arms out wide, I called upon one of my curses. Ten years ago, this would have drained me and more...but now? It wasn't even a strain. Constant training and getting the demon to swear fealty was the result.

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