Reborn a Princess

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Chapter 10

Location, The Royal Palace of the Empire of Jahad. 134th Floor.

Inside the most sacred and secure area of the tower, a ritual was taking place. In the first time in 200 years, a Princess was selected.

Arie Aria Pandora.

A girl who has not even reached her 100th fact, she was only 13 years of age; 12 when she outcompeted and won the title of Princess for herself against all odds.

The prodigy, the Arie's Hope, the new princess, was brought up through the Middle Area and to Jahad's Palace to conduct the ritual to create the Princess. In the center of the tower, the young girl kneeled.

Kneeled in the throne room of the King of the Tower. To call this place a room was an understatement of its majesty. 'Hall' wasn't enough to measure its length and 'majestic' wasn't enough to describe its divineness.

Glasslike gold covered the heaven reaching walls and pillars while the purest of Suspendium glowed blue from above. Below their feet was a pitch black and gold mosaics spanning the entire length...but a wide red carpet was laid out from the entrance to the throne itself.

On the throne sat the King of the Tower. The most famous and greatest being to reside inside, the living god, the one King. Jahad, King of the Jahad Empire, the immortal, the first pioneer, the Greatest of the Great Warriors, and thousands of titles which graced his name.

Jahad is extremely tall (240cm) and muscular for a human. His naturally messy yet combed golden hair, his intricate black armor, his red cape draped across his entire self gave him the aura of a King. Where his eyes should be was pure radiating light; both golden irises but one with a red dot and the other blue. On his left ear was his symbol, The Three Red Eyes.

(AN: The three red eyes represents Jahad and his Empire. It is composes of 3 connected eyes in the form of a Pyramid; 1 above, two below. Under the three eyes are three red dots. Very few people are allowed to hold and wear this symbol.)

Perhaps with the exception of The Riddle or The Red Tower, Jahad was undeniably the one omnipotent and omniscient being. Having conquered fate and controlling it to his whims.

Jahad sat on his golden throne looking at the tiny figure who was kneeling before him. Behind the girl stood a familiar figure, Jahad's friend, and another being whom the tower worshipped as a god. Arie Hon, the head of the Arie family, and the greatest of the 10 stood behind his kneeling daughter. Jahad and Arie shared no words but the journey that they have shared together didn't need any. One look at each other and they understood.

Very few things surprised or even interested the King anymore but the arrival of his old friend was out of expected. Even he, the King, could directly order the original 10.

Choosing a Princess was a delicate and crucial process but for Arie Hon himself to come as well...this one was different.

Jahad had heard of the selection process of the Arie family and it was the most brutal of any families. To leave all candidates to rip each other to death until only the strongest remained. Still, there were very few Arie princesses despite their superior strength and blood.

But this one...

After being chosen as the Arie family's representative, Pandora was brought to the 134th floor to compete against the other families' representatives. Another brutal competition began as the candidates battled for supremacy. 1 week was all it took for little Pandora to drain the lives of all 49 candidates besides herself. Emerging as the sole survivor, it was unanimously agreed...and the only remaining choice for her to become the new princess.

PANDORA. Hope Dies Last: ToGWhere stories live. Discover now