Chapter 2

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After frowning and eating the noodles, Lin Qingyin washed the dishes and looked up at her watch until 9 o'clock in the morning. She decided to go to the book building with many books in her memory to see if there were any mathematical skills. book.

Lin Qingyin lives in the old city, a little distance from the book building, and ten stops by bus. Lin Qingyin sat on the bus and looked at the scene moving backwards out of the window. Time has only passed by for thousands of years, and mortals who could only ride in a carriage can now go to heaven and go to sea, knowing everything. In this era of social progress, it is presumed that the science of mathematics will also fly qualitatively.

After getting off the bus, Lin Qingyin walked into the book building. The cool air immediately surrounded the whole body, driving away the summer heat. The thing that can cool and heat in memory is called air conditioner. It is the machine that most families use to regulate the temperature everyday. However, Lin Qingyin's family does not have this kind of thing because her family is too poor.

The book building has a total of seven floors, and the books inside are so vast. Lin Qingyin turned for an hour and couldn't find the book he wanted to read. With her eyes closed, she retrieved the memory of Xia Yuanzhu and found that she had no impression of mathematics.

At this moment, a man who looked a little fat in his early thirties passed by Lin Qingyin, holding a mobile phone in his hand, ignoring the eyes of others and talking on the phone: "I'm in the book building! What you said, I Why can't I buy a book? I tell you that fortune-telling is also a science, not that those professional terms can be ignored."

Lin Qingyin immediately put the book in his hand back on the bookshelf, followed the man behind the man to the book shelf in a corner, looked up and looked at the bookshelf with a row of mysterious and mysterious titles , A flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

The fat man put the phone in his pocket, took out a book from the bookshelf casually, frowned and looked at it for a while, and stuffed it back with some frustration: "In classical Chinese, I can't read it."

Three meters away from him, Lin Qingyin also regretted to put the book back on the shelf, took out another one, and quickly read it again.

Looking at the content of the book like a child's enlightenment reading, Lin Qingyin was full of puzzles: everything in this society has progressed, how can this mathematics regress so much. The content of these books, not to mention the outside disciples of the fortune-teller, even though the fortune-tellers knew more than that, did the inheritance of mathematics pass?

"Hey, this book is good." The fat man finally found a favorite book, and he laughed with joy, looking like a treasure. Lin Qingyin moved his heart, glanced at the probe, and found that it was a translated version of the vernacular, which was illogical and full of errors. Lin Qingyin gave the fat man an inexhaustible glance.

"What do you see? Is this all knowledge?" The fat man raised his chin to Lin Qingyin and shook his head. "This is the treasure passed down from the ancestors, as long as I learn it, it can be considered auspicious." Knowing the destiny, this esoteric thing cannot be understood by ordinary people like you."

Lin Qingyin looked at the book in his hand and chuckled lightly: "In this way, I will count, I think your face will be plagued by blood today, and be careful to hurt your forehead."

"What does your child say? It's easy to be beaten if you don't speak, don't you know?" The fat man just twitched, and suddenly the phone rang in his pants pocket. He couldn't talk to Lin Qingyin and took out his phone and shouted loudly. There was a voice: "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Are you alive?" The man's eyes lit up, his voice lowered involuntarily, and he even guarded his mouth with a guard: "What alive? A female tells her daughter's fortune-telling? Great, you help me hold her, I'll come over immediately and give you fifty when things are done."

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