Annoying~ Tsukishima Kei X Short!Reader

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;-; I'm sorry. *^* I didn't update// slapped by my husbando Aka Kageyama Tobio chan.
OuO too make up for lost time I've got a Tsukishima One shot for you guys >~<

"Heh. What's midget doing here?" Tsukishima towered over you. (A/N- lets just say you're short. Maybe... Wait *measures own height* about 142 cm tall. XD Lol) He snickered at you. "Shut up Tsukishima." you glared at him. "But it's true. You're only about 140cm tall, WAIT CORRECTION YOURE ONLY 140 CM SHORT." he laughs. "Go away Tsukishima Kei. Or I'll cut you." You flash him a sadistic smile. "Eeeeeh? Midget's got something up her sleeve?" He continued to mock you. You take out a pair of Blood Red scissors. "I told you to shut up!" You scream. He flinched when he saw the cold stare your eyes were showing.

~Time Skippu~

" (FName)~ When are you gonna get a boyfriend?" (BFName) asks you. You choke on the food you were curently eating."Woah! Calm your animal farm!" she pats your back. You give her the same cold stare you gave Tsukishima. "Eheheh... I'm sorry! I was joking!" (BFName) raises her hands like a caught criminal. "Good." "Anyway~ I heard you got into another fight with Tsukishima-kun today." you give her another glare. "OKOKOKJUST DONT KILL ME JEEEEEEEZ!" she shouts, obviously scared that you would pull out your scissors.


"Lets go (FName)!" (BFName) shouts. "Yeah yeah."

~Le Time skip~

"Guys look it's Chibi-chan!" A male classmate mocks when you walk into the classroom.

You pull out your scissors and fling it towards the male. Missing him by a centimetre.

"(FName)~ You shouldn't do that! You'll get in trouble." your best friend scolds you

"Whatever." you walk to the wall where your scissors are stuck and pull them out, you then walk to your desk and sit down, take out your pencilcase and start playing with the scissors that you retrieved.

"Oohoh. Looks like Chibi-chan is getting pissed off." a familiar ANNOYING voice teases you.

"Shut up Tsukishima. Our I'll gouge out your eyeballs." you threaten.

'KYAAAAA~ JUST KISS ALREADY!!!" (BFName) shouts. You slowly turn your head to her. And you take out your shaaarrrrp ballpoint pen and raise it.

"Would you like to die~?" you flash her another sadistic smile.

"uggh... Gomen?" she apologises.

"Heh. Why would I kiss a girl like her? Shes so ugly. Her mother must be so depressed to have a daughter like her." he mocks.






"WELL SORRY! MY MOTHER CANT FUCKING EVEN LOOK AT ME! TELL YOU WHY? SHES FUCKING DEAD!" you scream. Getting the attention of all your classmates.

You run out of the classroom just when the teacher walks in.

"(LName)-sa- Where are you going?!" she shouts.

Tsukishima runs after you.

"T-Tsukishima too?!" she shouts again

"Sensei! Could you please excuse them? (FName) is having uhm., a little breakdown." (BFName) explains to the teacher.

"Fine, only because Tsukishima-kun ran after her, normally he wouldn't care about other students. I see this is important. Anyway, Everyone get to your seats!"


jkjk im kidding keep reading! XD

~Time Skip~ (cause author chan here is too lazy)

You slump down, onto the floor of the gym.

"(LNAME)!!!!" Tsukishima shouts



"(LNAme)!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU???!!!"



you stand up, quietly walk up to him.

"(Lname)?! Oh god! Im sorry!"

You walk to him and slap him across the face.

"I'll never forgive you."

A/N: If you guys want part two just Comment!

Anyway hope you liked this uhm. sorta angst.


Instagram- kuroma.hiyori

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