Part 5

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Hey :) Thank you all for all the love and support, it means a lot and motivates me to write even more! Here's part 5, enjoy <3

I sat in my bed, shirt all wet because i had cried so much. After the uncomfortable situation with the lady, i felt completely alone. Damiano had also just left me. 

I thought about Damiano. Did he only want to sleep with me? It seemed that way, since it all started and ended so quickly. Maybe it was for the best. If he didn't want a mature relationship, i did not want it either. But my heart were still pumping hard just by the thought of him. I had to try to forget about him. He was not good for me.

I went to bed that morning when the sun was already up. I had just sat in my bed, thinking. 

I woke up at around 2 in the afternoon, after some good hours of sleep. I had to get my ass up so that i could get on with my life. Life isn't all boys. I put on a basic outfit and went out the door. 

I was free from work today, so i wanted to do some self care. Shopping, treating myself by sitting at a café. I had chosen my favourite brunch place, and yes, there were still brunch at 2 in the afternoon, and it was a small street corner lounge with cute decorations. I payed for a small coffee at the bar, and went down to a table with view out over a canal. A boat were slowly gliding through it, where some tourists sat and looked at the surroundings. Every time my mind went back to Damiano, it also went to the lady. Now, i know that it was not my fault. That lady was gross and had done something very wrong, but i couldn't help but doubt myself. I could have said stop. I could have went home. I could have just not sat there. It is easy enough to sat that it wasn't your fault, when you haven't tried it yourself. 

There was a street band, about 20 meters away from the café, playing some music. There was a guy with a banjo, a guy on some kind of drum, and then a guy with a harmonica. They were playing a jumpy song, yet chill that fit the vibe on the café perfectly. It was Venice at it's best. Suddenly, the guys stopped playing. There was a man standing right in front of them, and he had started banging on the drums in a un-charming way. It was then i realized that it was Damiano. Of course it was, what was the chance. I looked to the side, so maybe he wouldn't recognize me. But he was too far gone to see me - he was very drunk, and slandering around the guys. The guys obviously knew he were wasted, so they just smiled and laughed at him, talking friendly to him. 

He began singing. Not charmingly. Very much like how a drunk person would sing. "Saarah saraa. Ha. Sarah...jevooooo" It was a slow, drunken song. So he was thinking of me too. He most definetly wasn't talking about Sarajevo. I felt responsible for Damiano, since i knew him, and he had just about zero self awareness. I thought to my self, "Of course this happens. But i have to go help him." I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to him. I sat down my coffee and walked towards the band and Damiano. 

"Hey Damiano." I smiled at the guys. He looked up, and almost closed his eyes because i was standing in direct sunlight. He had sat down on the ground. "Sarah?" He seemed a bit clearer in the head when he recognized my voice. "Yeah, it's me. Do you wanna sit down a bit and get a cup of coffee? I think you need it." He didn't get to answer, i got him to stand up and walked him towards the café, resting his arms around my shoulder. I sat him down in the chair next to mine, and went to the bar and got two more coffees.

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