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Carla stood in the flat. She was worried and all that she wanted was to know that Lucy was okay. Lucy as her baby girl and she had no idea where she was.

She knew that Lucy had got involved with Peter and it had been the reason that she had gone off of the rails and had gone missing and all that she wanted was to know that her daughter was safe and that she was okay. Carla looked as her phone rang on the side as she picked it up and frowned

"hello...yes this is she" Carla said as she paled. She felt sick. She ran a hand through her hair and paled as she sat down as she hung up the phone as Mia walked into the room and looked to her

"what is it" Mia asked as Carla ran a hand through her hair and sighed

"it's the police, they found a body and they think it could be Lucy, it can't be her. I'm her mother and I would know if she was dead, I would feel it. I am your mother and I can feel you both. It isn't her" Carla said as she tried to reassure not just herself but Mia. Mia walked over to her and hugged her and smiled  
Mia sat in the cafe and sighed as Adam walked in and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I am just worried over my sister, they found a body and they think it could be my sister but my mum said she can feel her still I just don't know what to think I mean the fact my sister could be dead it scares me" Mia said as Adam took a hold of her hand and smiled

"I know, I know that you are scared but it will be okay, we will find her she just needs some time and let's hope she is not in danger at all. We have to be positive and Lucy knows how to look after herself you know that" adam said as Mia looked to him and smiled.

She had no idea where she was but she only hoped that her sister was okay and that she hadn't landed herself in danger as she knew that she couldn't cope if she lost her sister

Mia knew that Lucy was her best friend and she knew despite how wild her sister was that she loved her for who she was and only hoped that she wasn't in any danger as she knew how Lucy was

Lucy stood in a hotel room and sighed "mum it's me...no...I just wanted you to know I am okay. I just need some time but I will be home soon" Lucy said as she hung up the phone and sighed as she walked out of the bathroom and looked to the guy that she had spent all of her time with as she sat on the bed and smiled

"did you get it sorted" he asked as she looked to him and nodded

"yeah it's all sorted" she said as she looked to him as he pulled her close and kissed her but who was the new guy in her life and was she over Peter?

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