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Asteria was at the back of Hagrid's hut where Buckbeak would sleep

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Asteria was at the back of Hagrid's hut where Buckbeak would sleep. The hippogriff had grown over the Christmas break and now almost reached the girl's shoulders.

The sun had already set and the bright full moon lit up the dark sky, creating shadows across the floor which occasionally scared the creature. She would chuckle at him for jumping at a shadow before throwing a dead pheasant into the air which he jumped up and caught in his beak.

But went she went to grab another bird, there was a sudden deep growl which made her look around at the forest behind her. She took in a sudden intake when she noticed a pair of glowing eyes for a moment before they disappeared.

Suddenly, a grand stag with majestic antlers stepped out from behind the trees and peered at the two. Asteria furrowed her eyebrows with confusion. She shrugged it off and was about to turn back to Buckbeak but she then noticed an animal limp.

Thanks to the light of the moon, she saw a large cut on the creature's front leg so she made her way over to the animal, walking slowly as she knew how dangerous the antlers were. Although the animal did not attack her, it tried to push her away gently which ended up cutting the palm of her hand but she hardly noticed and slowly reached out to stroke the animals between the eyes.

"Stay here," She whispered to the animal before hurrying back into the hut for bandages and was surprised to see the stag still standing in the place she left it. Additionally, she become out with a bowl of berries that Hagrid had collected from the forest.

She fell to her knees and carefully lifted up the injured leg which made the animal let out a deep grunt of pain. "Sorry," She apologised to the animal before carefully wrapping the bandage around the animal's leg. After ensuring the bandage was secure she picked up a handful of berries which she held up for the stag to eat.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed Buckbeak creeping up behind her and sniffing in the direction of the stag. Asteria held out her arm, pushing the creature back before leading him back to his bed and allowing the stag to wander back into the woods.

Once Buckbeak had laid down on the pile of hay and had rested his head down on the grass, she left for the hospital wing to get the cut on her hand looked at.

It did look rather deep however it wasn't bleeding that much. Nevertheless, she walked in with her hand wrapped around her shirt to avoid getting blood on the floor. "Miss Parkinson, what are you doing at this time?" Madam Pomfrey asked the girl who showed her the cut.

"How did this happen?" She asked the girl as she sat her down on the end of a hospital bed. "On a stone." She lied but she noticed. "Was it that hippogriff? He's done this before. You need to be careful with such a dangerous animal." Madam Pomfrey told the girl. "He's a baby. He didn't know what he was doing."

She let out a sigh before wrapping her hand in a bandage and sending the girl to her dorm, shaking her head as she left.

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