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It was finally Christmas morning. Like a Christmas miracle, a thick layer of snow had fell during the night, covering the grass with a blanket of white.

James let out a groan as he woke up, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. He then glanced over to see Asteria still sleeping soundly.

He attempted to get out of the bed without disturbing her but he was unsuccessful. "You woke me up." She said with a raspy voice as James got up from the bed. "You better prepare to feel my wrath!" She threatened as she threw her blankets off of her but was stopped by Sirius' voice.

"Prongs! Asteria! Get down here so I can open my presents!" He shouted up from the bottom of the stairs. "This is not done." She hissed as she passed him.

James shook his head with a small smirk as he picked up his glasses form the bedside and left the room.

When the pair reached the living room, Asteria's eyes widened at the sight of piles of presents under the tree. She hadn't had a proper Christmas since her mother's death.

Euphemia and Fleamont were already sitting down at the couch, waiting to watch them open their presents. It felt strange to Asteria. It was all new but she still felt welcomed and felt a warmth inside of her.

"Here." James held out a small box which had been wrapped with green wrapping paper. Asteria took the box and began ripping away the paper.

In her hand was a small box which she slowly opened, revealing a ring inside with bright green aventurine. She slowly picked it up and slid it onto her finger.

"I hope that isn't an engagement ring! You're far too young!" Euphemia exclaimed when she saw the ring. "Weren't you married by 17?" James asked with an eyebrow raised.

"It  was a different time." She replied with a huff, making James smirk. "It best not be." Asteria said when James looked back at her. "How come?" He asked.

"I'd like to keep my options open." She replied with a smirk before winking and kissing his cheek quickly.

"Now that you've made a mess of my living room, how about some Christmas pancakes?" Euphemia asked as she got up from the couch.

Sirius jumped up and ran towards the kitchen, making the rest chuckle before almost leaving the living room.

But Fleamont stopped Asteria as she walked away. She turned around to watch him clear his throat and push up his glasses. "I just want to thank you. I've never seen my son so happy before." He told her with a grin.

"Well, I've never been so happy before too." She replied before hearing James call out her name. "What took you so long?" He asked her with furrowed brows.

"Nothing." She replied as the pair sat down at the table, watching as Euphemia opened the cupboards to get out the ingredients. Asteria then glance down when she felt James take her hand into his and squeeze it gently.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "That must be Moony!" Sirius shouted before running to the door. "How does he have this much energy at this time?" James asked which made her chuckle. "Says the one who gets up at 5 to train."


Later that day, when Christmas was coming to an end and the sky was already dark, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Asteria said as she held out her arm to open it, revealing Marlene, Lily and Dorcas standing there. "Merry Christmas!" They all shouted with wide smiles on their faces.

"Oh look, carol singers." Asteria said as she went to close the door but Marlene pushed it open. "Get up. We're off to the pub." She ordered them.

"Now!" She exclaimed which made them all jump up and run upstairs to get changed. Asteria was yet to unpack so she was looking through her suitcase before putting on a pair of jeans with a knitted jumper and her boots as there was still snow covering the ground.

But after getting changed, she just sat on the bed in silence. "You coming?" James asked when he saw her. She looked up and nodded. "Yeah, just one second." She replied before getting up and walking out to the back garden, towards the tree by the lake.

She knelt down on the snowy grass, looking down at the lavender plant which was still blooming as Euphemia had set a charm on it, allowing it to bloom all year round.

"Look mum," She sighed. "James got me this ring. Don't worry. It's not an engagement ring." She laughed as she held out her hand to show the flowers the beautiful ring.

She then let out a small sigh. "Merry Christmas mum." She then whispered before getting up and walking back to the manor where James waited. "You ready?" She nodded in reply. The couple then walked out of the door, his arm around her waist.

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