That Still Could Be Us

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That Still Could Be Us

This is the continuation of ‘That Could Be Us’. I finally made this into a two-shot as requested by Jenfaniston55. Hope you all enjoy it! Happy reading!

Note : The words written in italic were the flashback of their past.

On their way home, Ross and Rachel shared a cab together. They were both still in awe with what they had just witnessed, the first ever picture taken of their unborn child. Their hearts were fluttering with so much anticipation, it was a very overwhelming feeling the two of them had.

Rachel still held the picture in her hands, clutching it dearly as her eyes were fixated on it. Like she said to her friends and him, no matter what, no matter how the circumstances between them were, she wanted to keep the baby. It was something she decided almost immediately after she found out about the pregnancy.

She wanted to become a mom.

Unbeknownst to Rachel, Ross was secretly watching her, feeling both happy and proud for having the chance to share these magical moments with her. This pregnancy might be so out of the blue and so unconventional, but he was over the moon about it. He wanted to scream his lungs out and told the whole world that Rachel was carrying his baby. He wanted the whole world to know that. That was how happy he was right now.

Though he had to admit, he wasn't really at his best behavior a couple hours ago when she broke the news to him for the first time. It was something he never expected to happen, not in a million year. What they had a month before was a bonus night as she referred to it as. How was the odd she was going to get pregnant from a bonus night where he vividly remembered they used the protection? He meant, he had done these with her almost for like what, 300 times as he recalled, what was the odd to that? He wondered.

For a moment, he was mad. He was mad at himself for letting this thing repeat itself. He was having another child with another of his ex-wives. That meant, more children he couldn’t share a house with, more children he had to send off every few days, more children he was gonna miss growing up.

This hit him hard. It always did. He knew how hard it was to send Ben off to his moms, it was agonizing for him to watch his own kid left. And now try double that.

But at least this was Rachel he was having a child with. She only lived across the street and they only hung out every single day, so that meant he got to see this kid every day and that was a lot for him. It meant, unlike Ben, he got to be more present in this child’s life and hopefully Rachel would be kind enough to let their child have his last name slipped somewhere in between it. But of course, he wouldn’t push it.

After the initial shock, the thought of having another child finally hit him.

He was going to be a father again.

Being a father was one great thing that happened in his life. Ben was his everything. He loved his own son so much and now he got to have another human being-that he helped create, to love and to protect. To make it even better, it was his and Rachel’s child.

And what would it mean for them? Did it mean they got to get back together? For the sake of their child? Or because secretly he had been harboring some feelings for her the moment she told her she was pregnant with his child?

Whatever was that, he needed to find out. Maybe she felt the same way as he did. Maybe after all, he didn’t have to be apart from his own child again. Maybe this time, he could get what he always wanted since he was fifteen, to have a family with her.

No matter how desperate he was to find out about her opinion on this, he knew first thing first, he owed her an apology.

“Hey, Rach..”He said softly, gaining her full attention as he did so. “I just wanna say I’m sorry for how I reacted earlier.” He was both ashamed and guilty for how he reacted to the news earlier. It was only after he realized she was gone, that he knew how badly he had reacted. “I’m so stupid, okay? I should’ve been there for you, to calm you down, not freaking you out.” She let out a smile at this and then he took one of her hands on his before looking at her straight in the eyes. “So, what I’m trying to say is: I’m sorry for acting like a jerk, you don’t deserve that.”

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