Strawberry Lips

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Strawberry Lips

It was Friday in Lincoln High School when Ross Geller entered his class with not so much expectation. Typing class, this was his last class of the week and he couldn't wait to just nail it, like he usually did and went straight home. Oh, how he hated high school.

He never fitted in. The other boys were constantly picking up on him, calling him by names. Usually he would try his best to ignore them, but most of the time, it hurt his feelings.

"Hey, Geller!" A voice hollered at him as he was trying to make his way to the classroom.

He looked back to find the guy standing a few feets away from him. Ah, speak of the devils, Brian Miller, the most famous boy of their school football team, a total bully. Ross hated his guts. For no apparent reason, the guy kept bullying him since 3rd grade. He was with other teammates, which Ross knew all of them except for one. The guy in the red shirt. Ross had never seen him before, probably the newest addition of the football team.

"See him, Chip?" Brian talked to the guy in a red shirt, pointing at Ross as he did so. This gesture made him so uncomfortable. "That's the guy I'm talking to you about."

Did he just call that guy Chip? As in Chip Matthew? Ross wondered.

He heard about this guy Chip as he overheard the conversation his little sister and her best friend made. They made him sound like he was this perfect guy, so handsome and cool. He almost cringed when he remembered how Monica and Rachel were gushing over him.

"The dino nerd?"

"Yup, that's the guy." Brian confirmed. "Can you believe he wore dinosaur pajamas on a school trip? What are we? A six years old?"

Brian and the gang laughed at him, including the new guy. Ross could feel his blood raising and he clenched his hands into a fist, trying his best to manage his anger.

"Assholes." Ross muttered under his breath, hoping that he wouldn't hear him. But judging by Brian's sudden change of expression, it looked like the guy heard everything.

"What do you say?" Brian came closer to him, his voice was stern. Ross gulped down. This was it, he was going to get beaten up, yet again.

"No-nothing." Ross shuttered and slowly backed up.

The universe must've been on Ross' sides today because suddenly, the bell rang.

Phew. Ross thought.

Brian looked around to realize the class almost started and the hallway was getting quieter. He then jabbed his finger over Ross' chest, hard, as he said these words. "Saved by the bells. You're lucky for now, Geller." He gave him a look and Ross almost flinched. "Let's go guys." They finally left and Ross could feel his knee weakened.

He was counting days to the days he could finally leave this living hell and went to college. He couldn't wait to start fresh with the people who shared similar interests with him, paleontology. No one in this school understood his passion for dinosaurs and with his grades and his achievement it was likely easier for him to get a school somewhere in the city. Far away from those jerks. The faster, the better.

With that, Ross headed into his classroom where he hoped there would be no more incidents for the day. He had enough of it.

He entered the class to find the room almost filled. He sighed as he took the seat at the back of the class. When he was just organizing his books, a familiar voice caught his attention.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked before noticing who he was and when she did she smiled. "Oh, hey, Ross. I didn't know you took this class."

Ross looked up to find her smiling. Suddenly his anger went away and it was replaced with these tingling feelings on his stomach. He didn't know why but these days he saw her in a new light. It was almost if she wasn't the same Rachel he used to play house with. He had known her his entire life, but it was only recently she somehow looked different to him. She just looked somewhat, very attractive?

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