Transported as lust sans...kinda?

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Annddd I died...well I excepted it to happen anyways with how much I pissed people off.

But wow, what a way to go...I thought...

Flipping bomb...

I knew I would die sooner or later but still, a bomb?

Gah...then I heard a voice begging..." please! I don't want to become like the rest of them!"

I frowned and headed over there with a hint of concern and curiosity.

Then my eyes widen, is that lust gaster with a syringe? I thought and looked over to see a terrified sans chained to the wall.

I frowned with a displeased look, I will help him, after all lust sans was one of my favorites. I headed over to him, gently touching sans forehead and he tensed a bit.

"do you want me to help you?" I asked him and sans eyes widen.

Sans nodded his head rapidly. I smiled and concentrated, then my eyes open.

Wait did I just accidentally fuse with sans? I thought before I heard him say..

"You'll still help me..right?" And he sounded so hopeful as well, I can't deny this sans anything I thought.

"Of course I will sans. If you ask for my help, I will come and help you." I told him and I could feel his relief at that.

I smiled and broke the chains holding sans down and lust gaster immediately tried to rush towards me and I smacked him out of the way, breaking the syringe in his hand and making it spill on the ground.

"You will not do this again, otherwise I may have to end you..." I told him, "do you want me to end him?" I asked sans who looked thoughtful before finally nodding.

"Yeah..I just hope this doesn't make me gain LV despite being unable to gain any..." sans told me and I nodded.

"You know what? I'll just end you, sans doesn't need you." I told him and smiled viciously and summoned a bone before summoning lust gasters soul as he struggled within the blue magic holding him down.

"Goodbye gaster." I told him and shattered his soul with the bone and watched as he dusted.

I used my fire power to burn the ashes before heading into a different room to see papyrus was locked in it.

"Seems like he had the intention of doing the same to your brother after you..." I told him and sans felt horrified at that.

I unlocked the door and opened it as papyrus looked up with worry then relief at seeing me.

"Brother!" Papyrus said tuning to me and I hugged him.

"Papyrus..." sans said warmly in the back of my head.

"Hmm I'll have to figure out to unfuse with you...but until then, you can have your control back." I told him and switched with sans who picked papyrus up.

"Papyrus, I was worried about you...gaster won't be able to hurt you anymore.." sans told papyrus who held onto his brother tightly.

"I-I was so worried!" Papyrus told sans and nodded and headed to the living room to cuddle papyrus.

I smiled and watched them, trying to figure out a way to unfuse with sans because I didn't mean to fuse with him, I felt sans stiffen at that.

"...please don't go..can..can you stay with us? I don't mind having another to stay and become our brother..even if you are fused with me and all..." sans asked and I paused at that.

Ah sure know how to make me stay..I can't refuse this sans anything cause he's my favorite...

"Very well then...I shall stay, just ask me for help and I'll help you." I told him and he nodded gratefully.

Other then that, sans also realized something, he and papyrus were the only ones that weren' the others..the only ones who weren't injected with the lust...

Sans paled a was he going to do this by him-wait..he wasn't by he wasn't going to do this all alone..sans relaxed a bit at that.

He's glad that the other..showed up and helped him..

"Now that I think about it, you haven't told me your name..and I should introduce you to our brother papyrus..." sans said, already adopting the other that helped him and will be staying.

I blinked, oh right.."just call me...shade...I guess.." I told him and he nodded, planning on introducing shade to his brother soon, either today or the next day... sans thought and just hugged his brother, not wanting to let go yet.

I smiled, oh my gosh, they are so adorable...I thought. I really can't deny this sans anything at all...I mean I have other favorites as well, like the original skeleton brothers, Dream, nightmare, ink, error, abyss, tk, and some others.

But I'm less likely going to be able to deny my favorites anything that they ask, unless it goes against this sans wishes because I did fuse with him so he's going to be my first priority along with his brother no matter what.

So I'll be able to deny them if it's something that this sans doesn't want to happen or something...

Though if any of them ask for a hug, I will give them a hug or even food or something...

That's just how it is for let's see...what should I do about the rest? Should we pretend to be like the others...or be ourselves...I prefer being ourselves...and if they try to do anything to sans or papyrus, well I'll just show them how powerful I can be and they will leave us alone...

I thought with a pleased look and told him a few options we could do.

Sans nodded at that, still cuddling his brother close to himself, as if he can just stay like that and protect papyrus forever.

I smiled fondly, awe. I thought and just watched over my two new brothers, well two new younger brothers...

Finally finished with 1021 words! Yes! Hope you like and comment what you think!

Ja ne~!


Transported as lust sans...kinda?Where stories live. Discover now