chapter 3

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     graycen was instructed to go back to her room, it was around the time where they would take count of all the patients. they had to reassure her that remington was going to be okay. when she got back to her room is was curfew, and so graycen had to stay in her room for the rest of the night.

     this did cause problems with nightmares, and also waking other patients up because of the nightmares. they usually consisted of remington getting shot or even shot up with drugs that would instantly kill a man. it scared graycen to death. maddox was across the hall, and usually he stayed with her because he was built just like remington. graycen gave him the go to stay next her after the nightmares, which has helped big time.

yet it hasn't helped maddox at all. he's fallen for graycen, and he's fallen fast. when remington was awake, he would always get these death flares, from remington, if he even looked at her. maddox came from a world where he always respected women no matter what. if he fell for them and they already had someone, he would let the pain overcome him. maddox didn't care. then when he had his first relationship, and she left him, maddox went insane.

that's why he's here. maddox came to the hospital because of his first relationship. of course he's gotten better since then, but still he didn't want to fall for someone he couldn't have.

     graycen got ready for bed, her body shaking slightly from fear to sleep. she put her hair up in a ponytail, and then crawled into bed. "graycen, are you ready for bed yet?" maddox asked.

     "yeah i am, you can come in." graycen answered.

      maddox walked in, smiling at graycen as he walked to his chair. maddox was given a chair when he started to come here, and stay with graycen. when she woke up from a nightmare he would be right there, and he would be able to instantly calm her down.


     midnight came slow for maddox, and that was usually the time when graycen got the nightmares. maddox couldn't sleep and so he just paced around the room. graycen tossed and turned slightly, still making maddox look at her with concern.

he walked over and sat on the edge of graycen's bed. graycen naturally scooter closer to maddox, causing maddox to stop moving. his heart started racing and he didn't know what to do.

      graycen's eyes opened slightly and reached her arms out for maddox. "ar-are you okay?" maddox asked.

      no answer and maddox got the clue that she was close to having a nightmare. he went around and crawled in, next to her. usually he kept his arms by his side but graycen grabbed his arm, pulling it over her side. "gray-"

      "i know but it's the only thing that will make them stop."

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