If they told me 2 weeks ago that I would be sneaking into another class for the sake of seeing a boy I would totally laugh at them then tell them to fuck off .
But, oh for me ,I , with all my glory and charisma ,was literally sneaking into Jeon Jungkook's English class in order  to see him after I begged my brother to find me his classes schedule .

I sat on the fourth row , pretending to do shit with my phone when he entred breathing heavily .
seems he ran all the way to the classroom because he was getting late .
Just few secs after he took place on the third row , to which I smiled because it gave me the chance to enjoy his beauty from close up , the professor came in closing the door after him .
Jungkook sighed in relief and I just cooed at him .
The little gestures that he was doing were just too cute to handle.
The class went hella smooth except for the few times the professor cracked some unfunny jokes that made me roll my eyes in disbelief .
However I enjoyed watching Jungkook's eyes light up , as he proceeded to laugh at every single joke that was told , seems he enjoys  daddy jokes .
And who am I to complain?
I totally loved seeing him smiling while nodding in excitement, it made my heart flutter .
And I found myself every time turning to steal glances of him .

The professor then proceeded to teach his Lesson , I wasn't interested one bit but I still paid attention because I had no better thing to do except staring dreamingly at Jungkook which would be quite suspicious and creepy if I did it for straight 2 hours .
The lecturer did then ask us about something about the book he was analyzing, some students raised their hands to take the permission to answer but seems the prof wanted to pick one of the students who didn't raise their hands to embarrass them , such a jerk !
To sum up , Jungkook was one of these students and he was hiding cutely behind the boy sitting in front of him , he was so cute with that fucking adorable worried face he made , and I was amused .
I mean who wouldn't be ? watching such a pretty boy acting in such a lovable way being all cuddly ...
Well I salute myself for not jumping to his row to squeeze his  cheeks .
Thinking about it , this so not like me ! I'm not the type to like cute boys , I actually cringe seeing them acting all hard to be adorable , eeew . But with Jungkook, it's something else , probably because he wasn't acting , or forcing it . He was naturally cute and I found every tiny face he made so heartwarming .
I found him really cute and probably he wasn't aware of his own Charm .
I mean I could stare at him all day long literally doing nothing and It will be still pretty entertaining.
However , my baby was also such an unlucky boy because among all the people not knowing the answer , the lecturer picked him .
Such a poor thing .
"Jeon Jungkook go on , tell me the answer . It is not even that hard " the prof stated looking directly at Jungkook who lost his color .

Clear enough he was embarrassed and mortified, I mean it was understandable, getting all the unwanted attention in class wasn't a thrilling matter .
As for me , I couldn't stand his big bamby eyes going all little as he stuttered trying to form a coherent answer, so I decided to save him
" don't worry honey , I got u "

Although it was not the wisest thing to do because I was an intruder in the class,I went for it anyway "Mr , sorry but I don't know the answer too , I quite didn't understand that part when you pointed out .... " And I proceeded mentioning some shit of the lesson he was lecturing .
Truth be said his question wasn't that hard , but seems my baby is not gifted in English .
"Well , maybe , if  you paid attention to the class you would have understood " the prof answered not pleased at all of the way I stopped his class .
"Frankly , I paid attention to every word you said , but Well , I'm quite thick in the head " I chuckled jokingly.
The things I do for you Jungkook !
I rolled my eyes then added " you know sir , we are all here to learn after all , don't you think? " I asked innocently .
And the whole class went silent to the indirect criticism ...seems like I hit a nerve.
" What  do you mean miss ? " He raised an eyebrow .
" Also are you even from this class ? It's my first time seeing you here , so maybe instead of skipping my class you should have attended to know such obvious answers " he tsked .
I looked at my watch .
It was about time for the class to end and I wasn't the type to let another person win the argument so I said nonchalantly
" I don't mean anything  , I don't know why you got offended though sir " his eyes went wide .
I then took my backpack and added before getting out or the classroom
"Also it's from the book 1984 , by George Orwell , power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing "

The whole classroom was surprised by my detailed answer even Jungkook who was smiling in amazement .

Good thing ,I loved English literature ! So I quite knew most of the books and writers , along with some of their interesting quotes .
"Have a nice day sir " I smiled then turned to Jungkook and gave him a wide smile .
"Have a nice day my love " I thought.

After all it wasn't such a bad choice to sneak into someone else's class .

After all it wasn't such a bad choice to sneak into someone else's class

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Good boy's Charm °J.JK °✓(completed)Where stories live. Discover now