Forty nine

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chapter forty-nine | outing 

He was still grunting when he arrived at his empty, dark apartment. He was breathing heavily when he fell on his white bed. His blood automatically seeped on the white sheets. Pushing himself, he turned to face the ceiling. A second passed and his laughter boomed all over his place. "He really look so much like him." He laughed once more before pushing himself up. Standing up, he walked his way to his white office table that was settled next to the huge glass wall of his unit in which countless of photographs were plastered.

Grabbing one photo, he looked at her smiling face. "You are mine." He crumpled the photograph before throwing it away. He began thrashing everything, swaying his arm over his things on the table where it tumbled down, crashing to the cold floor. He fell on his knees, his forehead meeting the floor. One of his hand was pressing against his shoulder.

A growl escaped his trembling lips. "This time, I will win. I will win!" He snarled when the door of his unit flew open and Hyunseung saw him curled on the floor.


"Whoa, Mr. Park what happened to you?!" Daesung gasped the moment they climbed down from the van that Hyunseung arranged. Mr. Park just scratched the back of his head while giving an awkward laugh. Poor Mr. Park and his handsome face was now cradling a black eye, a bruised lips, and some cuts here and there.

"Dara and I just have a father and daughter bonding last night, you know what happens," he lied. Father and daughter bonding? Who believes that shit?

"Ahh, Mr. Park you know that Dara lacks that golden heart right?" Seungri pat the older man's back. What the fuck they all believed?!! 

"Do you really need to be this harsh?" Dara just threw a deathglare on Youngbae who draped his arm over her shoulder. It was just five in the morning and Dara was still not in her beat condition. Dara's not best condition means a just woke up Dara with messy hair, on pajamas, eyes barely open and a hot head early in the morning. 

Without any word, Dara punched Youngbae and was able to hit him. Youngbae took couple of steps backward after his vision blackened. Tsk. Tsk. "Oww, what the fuck!?" He yelled checking if his nose is still in perfect shape. Seungri and Daesung laughed, giving each other high five.

"Oh my,"Mrs. Park went to Youngbae checking his face. "Dara, you shouldn't do that!! Aigoo, are you okay, Youngbae?"She worriedly said. Seungri and Daesung were still laughing while Chaerin was trying not to.

"Good morning, jagiya," Jiyong went down after checking something. He draped his arm on her shoulder and everyone watched. He tightened his hold of her pulling her to him. His lips soon claimed hers. "Good morning," Dara groggily answered while rubbing his fist against her eye socket. Without any word the two climbed in the van.

"Hey that is so unfair!" Youngbae whined. Seungri and Daesung just shrugged and went back on laughing on Youngbae's misfortune.

"Come on, guys we need to go!" Hyunseung shouted from the passenger seat as Bigbang gave him their deathglares. Hyunseung swallowed and just showed his wide fake smile.

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