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The Rings


It was already ten in the evening when she finally able to go home only to be welcome by her wasted mother again. Empty bottles are everywhere in their house once more. ' Mom! ' she called as she rushed to the lady lying on the floor. ' Mom, what happened? ' she asked worriedly as she saw her mom's wasted and tear stricken face. ' Our company is falling, everything is falling out of my grip Chaerin, ' her mom sobbed. She hugged her mother, comforting her. She had witness how long her mother work, how much she endure just to establish that company of theirs and now the economy is down and it's pulling their company down. 

' Your father will laugh at our face, he will enjoy this downfall. We can't let that happen! ' she exclaimed in a bitter tone of voice. Chaerin just tightly shut her eyes. Here she goes again with her obsession on bringing down her dad, making him regret that he lost them in his life. Pride. All of these are because of her pride. 

' Mom, don't worry I'll call Jiyong oppa, he will be willing enough to help us, ' she said to calm her down. ' NO! ' her mom shouted. ' No one should know this! ' she added. ' But... ' she whispered. ' Chaerin we will not let your father laugh at us, ' she sternly added. ' But how will we earn the millions we already lost? ' she asked. Her mother was silent at first, thinking deeply for a solution that was seemily nowhere to be found. 

' Marry him, marry Kwon Jiyong, ' she suddenly said. ' Chaerin, this is the only way. You must marry Kwon Jiyong and everything will be solved! We can even surpassed your father's company! ' she said in excitement. Chaerin was not able to say anything. She wanted to protest, she wanted to tell her there are million ways to save their company but how could she say a thing like that to her mother who only cares about her pride?


' Chaerin, you should always keep in your mind what your goal is, ' her mother smiled at her as she combed her hair. ' I know you love Jiyong since you're just a child, I can also feel that he loves you too. Everything will be fine, ' she added earning only a timid smile from her as her fist clenched. ' Mom, there are still million ways... ' she said stuttering. It took her all her guts just to say those words. 

' Chaerin! ' her mother gasped. ' Ways? You mean ways that will rub the fact to people's face that we're gonna lose our company sooner or later? Do you want us to be embarassed. Your father will surely laugh at us!! ' her mother exclaimed. She bit her lips trying to stop the tears that are threatening to fall in the corner of her eyes. Everything is still about her father. They have left him already to start a new life yet even in France but  he seemed to be binding them with his unbreakable chain. A chain that drive her mother to the edge. A chain that will seemingly forever locked her in sufferings. Nothing changed she's still a prisoner. 

' Promise me you'll marry him. Do it for me, for yourself, for the both of us neh Chaerin-ah? ' her mother whispered as she locked her in her arms. Chaerin just gulp the lump on her throat before she forced herself to nod. 

Chaerin heaved a sigh for the nth time. A bitter smile crept on her lips, she doesn't know how many things have she already sacrificed just to see smiles on her parents lips. She can't decipher why the hell does she have to be bounded with the unbreakable chains that her parents put on her.   

' One moonshine and confiance please, ' a familiar voice said. Her heart skipped a beat as she slowly turned her head to his direction. The music was blasting the whole place yet she can definitely hear him clearly. It was him, he was sitting on the stool next to her. He's handsome as ever, she felt like she hasn't seen him like forever. The bartender gave his order as he grabbed the glass and took a sip on it. She can't seem to peel her eyes off him, like he's the only thing worth looking at in this planet earth. 

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