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A/N: A SHORT UPDATE for you guys LOVE yah ol hehe  

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It was already six in the evening all the students were at the main building enjoying their meal. And that is what Dara is exactly doing? Well, she's eating like she never eat before she's just literally shoving all the food in her mouth, I doubt if she's even swallowing what she's eating. Aigoo, this girl should act girl just for once in her life. Look at her! I mean she's not even sitting properly and has one of her legs stepping on her chair, she looks like a bystander. 

' Jagiya, eat slowly, ' Jiyong chuckled at her as she pounded her chest as she gulp down one glass of water. ' Back off, I'm hungry you know! ' she hissed as she started eating once again. ' Let her be Jiyong hyung she's always like that, ' Seung Ri chuckled as they all laugh. 

Eversince this morning everyone just keep on noticing that Jiyong is often hanging around with Bigbang, well his girlfriend which is Park Sandara is a Bigbang member though. As much as they wanted to protests as much as all the faculty like to pull him away from those 'bad influence' they can't. For they have never seen him so happy in his life, he's always laughing, smiling and being lively. He's too far from the perfect ice prince they've always known. And though they dn't want to admit it they are happy for him to finally break out from his ice kingdom.


' Again, I'll remind you that BOYS are NOT allowed at GIRL's room and VICE VERSA! ' Mr. Jang said with a Hitler like tone and face just add some mustache and does Hitler has hair? Well whatever.  He then glared at Dara and Jiyong who were not even paying attention to him as Dara keep on indulging her icecream, while Jiyong is forcely feeding her while snickering ofcourse.

' AND DON'T EVEN THINK OF SNEAKING OUT TO GO SOMEWHERE, ' he stated emphasizing every word as he threw his death glare at the Bigbang who doesn't give a fuck to what he's saying. They were yawning and doing something showing how bored and sleepy they are, boasting how much they don't give a damn to his words. 

' BALDY! ' TOP called him which made him grimaced like hell. ' You should just say that to us directly you're obviously referring to us, ' TOP smirked at him. ' Yeah, yeah, or you should at least said: 'BIGBANG DON'T EVEN THINK OF SNEAKING OUT TO GO SOMEWHERE', ' Seung Ri added while imitating his voice and face which earn wild roars and laughs from his friends and even all the teachers and students snorted supressing their laughs. 

' GO TO YOUR ROOM BEFORE I CATCH YOU!!! ' Mr. Jang roared as they all dashed to their room including the innocent students and teachers. They don't want to directly receive his erruption. 


Dara was about to sleep when she suddenly heard some clacking sound in her window like someone is knocking, which is a great possibility since she's in the first floor where all the rooms around her are teacher's room. She tried ignoring what she's hearing she's sure its just her friends, beside she' too tired to something or sneak out.

She let out a sigh as the clacking sound stop but now its replaced with the ringing of her phone. She grumpily picked her phone and answered it without looking at the screen nor bothering knowing who the caller is. 

' Hello! What the hell its already evening! and I'm about to fuckingly sleep! So by--- ' 

' Don't even think of hanging up on me Sandara Park, ' Jiyong answered on the other line. Dara rolled her eyes, as if she has any choice. She knew that if she hung up he'll stormed in her room just to do his so called punishment which are nothing but pervy stuffs.

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