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"So, where do you wanna go?" Punz asked, we had been walking along the prime path in silence for so long but I couldn't find anything to say. I just needed to find Tommy. "I'm going to find them." I said, not letting a single thought slip from my mind. "Okay.. Lead the way." He said optimistically. "Oh? I thought I was going by myself?" I questioned. "I mean you can if you want, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'll go find Sapnap and let him know for you." Punz said with a smile. I smiled back and said, "Thank you, I really appreciate it." He waved and left. I had an idea of where they might go, when Tommy and I used to go on our late night walks he told me about how good this one place would be to hide away. That had to be where they were.

I walked around aimlessly for hours, I had ended up in an unfamiliar forest. It was filled with oak and birch trees. I heard a branch snap not too far in front of me, I hid behind the nearest tree and did my best to keep quiet. "I like Pogtopia." Tommy said. No fucking way, I found them. I ran from where I was hiding. "Tommy!" I cried out. He spun around and a huge grin spread across his face. "Holy shit! Dee!" I threw myself into his arms. "Thank god I found you, I'm so glad you're safe." I cried, I didn't care anymore. I had cried that much throughout the day, I was surprised I had any left. "Of course we're okay." Wilbur said, emerging from what I assume is Pogtopia. "Shut it Wil." Tommy snapped, he's obviously still not happy about the situation. Wilbur just rolled his eyes but before walking back inside he said, "We're gonna need some help here Tommy."

Tommy had been walking back and forth for around an hour now. Trying to think about what Wil meant, I mean we all knew they were gonna need help but who did he mean? I mean I had someone in mind, but we hadn't spoken since we were kids. And he wasn't really as close with the boys as he was with me. But I guess that's just what you could call twin antics. Maybe he would help, before Phil left we used to talk about him all the time. He was close with Phil, he had taken him in after the fire. Dad chose to take Tommy and Wil over us of course. Wil was the favourite and Tom was only a baby. But I guess that's a story for another day.

"I know! Wil I know who we need!" Tommy yelled, I snapped out of whatever trance I was locked in. Wilbur came rushing out. "I hope we're on the same page here Tommy." He said. "We need.. The Blade." Tommy grinned. I guess we were all on the same page. "Are you sure he'd agree to this, Tommy?" Wil said doubtfully, glancing at me. "He isn't going to let this happen to you two because of me, there aren't any hard feelings. We just haven't spoken since we were kids." I explained, rolling my eyes at the fact of him even thinking that. "I guess we need to find him then.." Wilbur said, disregarding what I said. "Phil sent me their coordinates a long time ago, I don't think they've moved since." I explained. "Are you going to go?" Tommy asked, completely oblivious to everything. "I guess I could, but not today. It's getting late and Dream's going to be worried." I said, looking up to see the sun setting.

"You and Dream seem to be quite.. Cosy." Wilbur said, obviously hinting that something was going on. It was clear that Tommy thought that too. "No, acquaintances. That's all." I rolled my eyes. How could they think that? Is that really how it looked? I looked up at Tommy, I could see how anxious he was. Of course he was going to be in this situation. "Let me go get my armour and my axe and I'll go tonight." I sighed. He needed this. I'm doing this for Tommy, not anyone else. "Really? Are you sure?" Tommy asked, I could tell how much it had lifted his mood. "Anything for you Tom." I said with a smile, it was faint but it was still there.

I started to trudge my way back to Dream's base. I knew it wasn't far from here, but as I was walking along I heard someone speaking. However, they weren't speaking to anyone. They were just walking around, talking to themself. "God where are you Tommy?" Was that Tubbo? Was he still out looking? I wish I could stop to find him but he was already close to them and I had to get to Techno and Phil as soon as I could. I continued on. Climbing through a few brambles and I had finally made it back. I ran inside and straight to my room, praying for no more distractions. But low and behold, I entered my room and Dream was sat on my bed. "Where have you been?" He asked, not even looking me in the eye. "I was looking for Tommy. I thought Punz would've told you." I said, rummaging through my closet trying to find everything I was going to need. "Where are you going?" He asked, getting up to stand by the door. "What are you? My dad?" I said sarcastically. "Well, what if Schlatt catches you on your own?" He asked, what was with all the pushy questions? "Well now I have shit to protect myself with don't I? I need to go Dream. I'll be back.. Soon."

Dream just nodded as I ran back out of the front door and out of the gates. I think deep down he knew I had found them, but that was the least of my concern. I had to face my twin brother for the first time in 15 years. I put the coordinates that Phil sent in the letter into my compass, this whole situation felt surreal. I was finally going to see him again. Tying my hair up was quite a struggle whilst trying to hold my helmet, eventually I managed it and continued following the compass. God how long was this going to take? I reached a swamp and of course I had to wear my netherite boots, they're going to rust now. Great. My foot got caught in the mud and it was too strong to just yank my foot out. "Shit. Perfect." I said to myself as my foot came out of the boot. I bent down to dig my boot out of the mud. "This is fucking disgusting." I heaved. I hated mud, no reason really I just wasn't a fan. This exact situation was now my reason.

I finally got my boot free out of the mud and put it back on. Thank god I was just about to leave the swamp. I entered a large snow biome, it was quite flat and there weren't any mountains I had to scale. Relief. The snow was a lot easier to get through compared to the swamp. I looked at my compass and it pointed straight ahead, there it was. In the dead of the night I could see the lights coming from what was obviously Phil and Techno's house. Reality finally hit me like an avalanche. I fell to the floor, sobbing my heart out. I can't believe it. I was merely a few 100 feet from him. Mid-breakdown I felt a familiar presence behind me. "Sadie? Is that you mate?" Phil said quietly. "Oh my god Phil!" I got up and cleared the snow from my armour, hugging Phil and just sobbing into his shoulder. "He isn't even going to know it's me. Do I tell him?" I asked, was there really any point in actually telling him? "That's down to you mate. Now come on, I bet you're freezing." And with that, we walked over to their home. My heart felt like it was going to explode.

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