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It had been a week since the incident.. We hadn't spoken of it since. That was kinda a good thing, especially with how much I had been out helping Tommy, Techno and Wilbur. However, I was only given little jobs to do. They wouldn't talk about their plans around me. I returned back to Dream's base absolutely exhausted. I had been looking after Techno's farm all day whilst they 'took care of business' I stopped asking at this point, I knew they weren't going to tell me shit. It hurt, I felt as if I wasn't trusted. I let the negative thoughts slip from my mind as I walked up to the front door, hearing the chaos I was about to walk into. I entered the kitchen, finding Dream and Sapnap arguing over how to cook chicken properly. I saw the raw food just sat in the pot on the counter, I picked it up and placed it in the furnace. Completely ignoring the fact they still argued, paying no attention to me. "Where's George?" I interrupted. "He's with Quack- WHERE'S THE CHICKEN?" Sapnap screamed at me. "It's in the furnace?" Both of their jaws dropped. "Since when?" Dream asked, checking to see if I was telling the truth. "You two were giving me a headache, so I did it." I explained. "Now, where is George?" They looked at each other in complete disbelief, they hadn't even noticed me when I walked in. "He's with Quackity at the White House." I nodded, deciding to retreat to my room.

I left early the next morning, hoping to speak to Techno before WIl and Tommy woke up. I walked down the narrow staircase and around the corner to his potato farm. He was always there in any spare time he had. To my surprise, he wasn't there. "Techno?" I called out, trying my best not to wake Tommy and Wilbur. But on my search for Techno, I found both of their beds empty. "Tommy? Techno?" I yelled. I felt my heart sink, where are they? What if Schlatt found them and hurt them? The panic began to set in, I struggled to breathe as I walked around the entirety of Pogtopia. I turned another corner and I was greeted by a door, it was never here before. What the fuck? I checked my surroundings before opening the door. The contents of the small room left me speechless. Tnt lined the walls, filled every chest. My god there must've been over 100 of them. "What are you doing in here?" Wilbur spoke up from behind me. "What the fuck is this?" I shouted, I could gather what it was for. It broke my heart seeing Wil this way. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. "That's none of your concern. Out." None of my concern? I'm his sister.

Wil and I had been arguing for what felt like hours. I refused to leave the room until he told me what it was for. "I'M NOT LEAVING!" I screamed, choking back the tears. "GET THE FUCK OUT SADIE!" He screamed back, he didn't care about anything or anyone anymore. We heard a door open. Wilbur glared at me whilst I just stood there, arms crossed. To my horror, Dream came strolling around the corner. His eyes met mine, I let out a breath of relief. At least Wilbur won't argue with me anymore. Or so I thought. "Get your bitch." Wilbur snapped, looking Dream dead in the eyes. "I'M YOUR FUCKING SISTER WILBUR! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" The tears began flooding down my face, his words broke me and it sent me over the edge. I still didn't know where Tommy and Techno were. Dream just stood there shell-shocked, not expecting to walk in on something so heated. "I DON'T CARE! GET OUT!" Wilbur yelled, turning back to me. His face faltered as he saw me on the floor, holding my head in my hands. "Dee.. I'm sorry." His tone completely changed. "How dare you, fuck you Wilbur." I cried, barely even understanding myself between the sobs. I heard him huff and leave. "Wil! We were looking for you!" I heard Tommy yell. God no, why now?

"Sadie.." Dream said, walking over to me. "No, go before Techno sees you here." I looked up to him, he nodded and left. I just sat on the floor, curled up in a ball. I was unable to console myself as I sat there sobbing, I couldn't let Tommy see me like this. I was supposed to be this strong, older figure. I was supposed to be there for him, not drown myself out in my own emotion. I was so lost in my own head that I didn't realise that someone had sat down next to me. I looked up from where I lay on the floor and through the clouds of tears in my eyes I could make out his pink hair. "What's wrong? Who did this?" He said flatly, he cared but clearly wasn't going to show it in such an open place. "Surprised Wilbur didn't tell you." I snapped, turning away so he couldn't see how much worse I was getting. "Why would I listen to him? Have you seen him lately?" He let out a low laugh, trying to lift the mood. "He doesn't care anymore Techno. Have you seen the state of this room?" My head ached, I just wanted everything to go away. "Yeah.. It's bad. But he does care." I laughed, it was a stupid remark to make after all the shit he has said to me. "He told me he didn't care, he refused to tell me what all of this was. He spoke to me like a complete stranger." I sobbed, my heart broke. My own brother had lost his mind and he was slowly dragging us all down with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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