They get jealous

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Clem wasn't one to get jealous. Especially when it comes to your relationship, you had already gotten close enough to where your trust was unbreakable before arriving at the school so it was rather hard to make her jealous. But when someone in the school start playfully flirting with you, her face curls up into different faces such as confusion, disgust and jealousy. AJ thought the faces were funny though and would tease her about being jealous but she completely denies it.

Well, she certainly one for jealousy. Especially before you both started dating. She would act grossed out and would roll her eyes before getting cranky when someone would try to flirt with you before you started dating. 'Okay, stop. That's gross.' She would say to Louis when he would make a cheesy statement to you. But once you two started dating people stopped flirting with you and she wouldn't get jealous as much that's for sure.

Brody would definitely get jealous, but she would try to hide it. She didn't like it when people spoke to you in such a manner but didn't want to ruin the mood or anything and would go quiet and look away hoping the the person flirting with you would stop immediately. She usually spoke out her opinion but she didn't want to ruin her relationship with you and would just mentally complain about it.

Ruby didn't get jealous much but when she did it was a bad day for poor Aasim. She would always snap on the person flirting with or talking to you. She absolutely hated the way she did that and would just walk off but not before making sure the person left you alone. She would find Aasim and would go on a full rant about the person and wanting to pound them into the ground like a seed. He just nodded and agreed the whole time, hoping she wouldn't do anything to him as she ranted on and on.

Minerva would get jealous but would keep to herself about it not wanting to start a fight on either sides. She would sigh and roll her eyes before complaining to Sophie about it. She would think about cutting in and making them stop but then not doing so because she has manners and wouldn't want to seem disrespectful.

100%. Marlon hates when people flirt with you. Would definitely tell the person flirting with you off and that you were clearly not interested and to leave you alone. He didn't like others flirting with you at all, especially considering you were quite oblivious.

No. His ego is too big. If anything he's probably making the people who were flirting with you jealous. Definitely would cut into the conversation and start his own with you as the person sat or stood nearby.

I doubt he would get jealous. Omar is very calm, cool and collective is he doesn't get upset in those situations. Most times, he thinks it's funny because your clearly uninterested in the person and would turn your attention right back to Omar and what you were doing.

He does for sure, but all he does is roll his eyes because they either most likely interrupted your conversation or came to you while you were having your quiet time. Aasim knows your quiet time is important to you, hell his is important to him, sometimes people just wanted to be alone to think and when someone interrupts it, it's very annoying.

Definitely. No doubt. He would most likely glare at the person whenever they came near for an entire week. He would make childish comments about him to willy who would laugh at them when they came nearby. Definitely would ignore you for the rest of the day because, as I said before, he's very childish.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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