Thank You...

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The air was fresh and clear when I opened my eyes, I haven't inhaled oxygen this delightful before in a great amount of time. My surroundings were unknown but all the more familiar. I was tightly covered in soft, warm, fuzzy blankets.

Then, my nostrils were flooded with mouth watering scents. Could it be pie? Baked chicken? Gravy?

I sat up straight in a millisecond, smelling the delicious food; eyeing it as my stomach growled. I wanted to dig in and go crazy on the foods set on white china on top of the nightstand.

"Go ahead and help yourself, Dib," a voice said. "Zim will be in shortly."

Directing my attention to the guy, I recognized the voice. He was the soldier who came in occasionally to feed me scraps every now and then. He hopped out of the chair he was seated in and let himself out of the room.

Without any hesitation, I hurriedly chowed down on the tasteful food. I haven't had anything this good and fresh since longer than I can remember. I felt like a bottomless pit; like all of this won't be enough to fill me up.

During my feast, I gave myself a second to run my hand through my hair. What's this?

I was trimmed clean; my facial hair and everything. I scrambled myself out of the king bed and dashed to the closest mirror, which was the one on the dresser.

There I was; no scruff, my hair neatly trimmed, and my face was cleaned as if someone had bathed me and washed the filth away. My clothes were casual and appeared to be clothes you sleep in. The cotton was smooth and soft against my freshly shaven skin. I've gone from prisoner to pampered in merely a day... Or however long I was out.

But then there was a knock on my door.

"Hellllooo," a voice that I've had a long time to get to know called out to me from outside. He was-- happier than he was when we last left off.

My full attention was on that wooden door as Zim peeped out from behind it, a devilish smile on his face. It wasn't that obvious but I know Zim well enough. He's up to something.

I ran a nervous hand through my hair once more as I moistened my lips. "Hi, Zim."

Zim slightly tilted his head and sheepishly twisted his lips into something not as comforting to me as he would want it to be. "How are you liking it so far?"

His goddamn sarcasm.

Though, I still let out a small chuckle and let an answer escape my mouth. "Thank you, Zim."

It came out more cliche and meaningful than I had thought it'd be. I'm not thankful for being treated like a human, that should happen without me asking. There's no way in hell I'm happy about this.

Zim's smug look fell as it was altered into a puzzled, narrow eyed expression. "Yes, yes..." Zim let his eyes fall to the wooden floor.

Whatever that Irken alien had planned, it seems to have slipped his mind. I turned my back on him and faced the dresser. I, too, let my gaze aim at the floor. Something was off about this; Zim's visit, me still being alive...

Couldn't Zim have just killed me when I was out cold? He had the chance and I wouldn't have put up a fight.

"Why am I still here?" my question was more of a statement rather than something I wanted an answer to. It was something that didn't seem possible to have an answer for. If I can't fathom one, then I'm not so sure Zim could either.

I lifted my head up to the mirror to look at Zim's reflection. He seemed to have just recovered from a stance; he quickly lowered his arm and tried to hide it behind his back. What was he trying to do?

Zim shamefully cocked his head away. I have the feeling that eye-contact was not up his ally.

"Every second I wish you weren't but," Zim took a resting seat on the wrinkled covers of the bed. "I let you stay alive. Be grateful and don't ask any questions about it," he scowled at me as he huffed his words out. They seemed mean but it all sounded fragile like a house of cards. I couldn't imagine he even believed himself when he tried to come across harsh.

But, I let it pass. I'm alive and that's something I'm grateful for, at least.

As I slowly turned around, I smiled at Zim. It was natural and I couldn't help myself. I should be frowning. I should be screaming at him for all he's done to me but-- but...

That was all I wanted to do. Smile.

It was a soft, harmless one. Nothing anyone would pay any mind to. Something you'd give to a passing stranger on your walk to your close neighbor's home.

Zim, on the other hand, paid attention to it entirely.

"What's this? Why are you looking at Zim like that?" he scoffed.

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