Chapter 3: love's strange

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"Okay, I've got a good one! Would you rather..." starts Robin. They're lying on Will's bed, dangling their legs off the edge and nodding their heads along to The Who, which blaring from his record player.

"Well? I thought you said you had a good one!" laughs Will.

"I do! I'm thinking," she answers. "Okay, okay I got it: would you rather listen to nothing but Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up for the rest of your life-"

"No!" moans Will.

"Or would you rather listen to whatever songs you want, except it cuts off after the first thirty seconds?"

"Definitely the second one!"

"Yeah you're right, that was too easy," laughs Robin. "Fine, you do one."

"Okay. Would you rather... never be able to speak again or always have to say everything you think out loud?" he says. Robin places a finger on her chin as if deep in thought.

"Hmm... the second one, I think. I mean, I basically do that anyway," she grins and he laughs.

"Really though? I'd definitely choose to never speak again."

"We are very different people, my boy." That cracks them both up because they know it's true. It doesn't seem to matter.

"It's your turn," he reminds her when they quiet down.

"Okay. Would you rather... make out with a toothless Demogorgon..." she pauses and grins at him devilishly, "...Or Mike Wheeler?" Will feels his cheeks warm. She knows. Of course she knows.

"Not fair, Robin! Mike's... my friend," he says lamely. "Don't be weird ."

"What?" she says innocently. "It's just a question. Come on, there's a gun to your head and you either have to make out with Mike or a toothless Demogorgon. What do you choose?"

"The gun," he deadpans.

"Come on, Will," she badgers. She's not letting him off the hook this time. "Just answer the question."

" Fine ," he glares at her. "If I had to choose between Mike and a Demogorgon, I guess that maybe I would probably ... pick Mike."

"Pick Mike for what , Will?" she says diabolically. She wants to make him say it.

"To kiss, Robin. Are you happy?" he snaps. Then quietly, "I would kiss Mike." Robin looks triumphant.

"You totally have a crush on him!"

"Shut up," he mutters, his cheeks a shade of red deeper than he thought humanly possible. "And keep your voice down, Jonathan's home." Robin rolls her eyes, but drops her voice to a whisper anyway.

"And you're not even denying it! Oh my god Will, you've got it baaaaaad," she singsongs. Will attempts to suffocate himself with his pillow.

"Shut up, Robin," comes the muffled reply.

"Oh come on, I tease because I love." She pries the cushion away from his face. When she speaks again, it's with a softer voice. "So you really do like him?" Will debates not answering. He also debates changing his name and moving to Nepal. But she's looking over at him with that uniquely Robin expression that is simultaneously antagonistic and compassionate, so he slowly nods instead.

"You knew?"

"Kind of. I mean, it's pretty obvious," she says and panic swells in his chest.

"It is?" he demands, eyes wide with alarm. "Do you think he knows?"

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