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"Today we have Vanya Sidana Styles with us here for her old new song 'Dont You Leave Me Now" Nick said

"Hey!" I said into the camera

"So.. How's quarantine going on?" He asked

"Like shit. Im so bored at home. But I have been in the music room a lot coming up with songs and all and I have Harry and the lads and Vanshika so its all good" I said

"How are the rest of your band members?" Nick asked

"They're doing great. Vanshika, Herrvita, Tanishq, Yash, Raghav they all are fine."

"So tell me why is your bands name P.A.S.T. and how do you work?" Nick asked

"Well we tried to form a name with all our names so we used are zodiacs. Pisces,  Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus. P-A-S-T."

"How many Pisces, Scorpios, Tauruses and Aquariuses?" Nick asked 

"2 Pisces, 2 Scorpios, 1 Taurus, 1 Aquarius." I said

"Why dont they sing?" He asked

"They say their shy and are better being the back up singers and the instrument players." I said

"Oh" He said and I nodded

"Louis Tomlinson just so happens to be your manager right?" Nick asked

"Yeah" I said

"Why did you leave SYCO and Modest?" Nick asked

"Um.. well see the thing is that when I was on X- Factor at that moment the big deal was that Simon Cowell was signing me you know? But as I started to be set in the industry I realized how my life was being controlled by them you know? They were like you cant do this you cant do that. You cant wear this you cant say that. They were controlling every aspect of my life and it started to get troublesome. When the guys broke up I was like 'Thank God' and I know thats gonna make me sound bad but its true they were controlled way more than I ever was. Remember Kendall Jenner people thought we broke up but we didnt we were still together but we had to act like we weren't and Kendall knew so she never um.. how do I say this she uh... never supported this. She wanted to tell everyone the truth but the damn contract was a fucking son of a bitch. A few months ago I was still under modest and they were forcing me to go out Cole and I'm like dude Im married I wont go out with Cole and they we're like act like you both git divorced and I got really mad. I then got a call from Louis saying that he has started a management company and he wants to sign me up and I jumped at the offer I didnt event think for a second and I said yes and Lou understood why. I went to Modest paid the compensation fee and got out of the building and now lets just say my life is a million times better now that Modest and SYCO is out of the way. Like looking back im like what the fuck was I thinking it literally has psycho in the name." I said

"Wow!" Nick said

"I am so glad that you and the boys are out of them." He said

"Me too" I said

"Where's Harry?" Nick asked

"Somewhere. Its a surprise for y'all cant disclose it." I said

"Ugh..." Nick grumbled.

"This is 'Dont you leave me now' by Vanya Sidana Styles we will back shortly."  Nick said and disconnected the mic from the radio system.

"Now tell me where is he?" Nick asked

"He's gone to get a test" I said

"COVID!?" Nick exclaimed

"No you idiot. Pregnancy test" I said

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