I'm Sorry

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Hey guys. I am so sorry. I won't be updating ONCE anymore as I am discontinuing it.

I just lost all inspiration for it. I couldn't bring myself to write it.

I hope you liked it though.

Harry tells Vanya all about her past. The sisters have a huge war. Sebastian is a werewolf the second strongest Alpha after Harry as he is the king ya know. He becomes an integral part of the story.

Vanya and Harry have 4 kids named  named Diana Robin Styles, Aynav  Ares Styles, Fiume Anne Styles, Sonn Desmond Styles.

Diana Robin Styles : is named after Princess Dan her middle name Robin as a tribute to Harry's step father. She grows up to be a singer. She is an Alpha. Diana inherits her mother's powers. She is the 1st born.

Aynav Ares Styles : is the exact opposite of Vanya meaning heart's desire, personality and Ares is the Greek god of war as Vanya is a huge Greek mythology fan. He grows up to be an actor plays 9 years in MCU . He is an Alpha. He is the 2nd born.

Fiume Anne Styles: Fiume means River in Italian and as Vanya's mom's name means River she was named after her and Anne as a tribute to them. She grows up to be a Super Model and a Victoria Secret Angel. She is an Alpha. She is the 3rd born.

Sonn Desmond Styles: Named after harry and Vanya's day her dad's name means Sun and Sonn also means Sun as a tribute to them. He grows up to be a businessman owning one of the largest fashion companies in the world. He is an Alpha. He is the 4rth born.

As all kids are Alpha's the kingdom is divided into 3 parts for Fiume, Sonn and Aynav while Diana resides over all of them and is the main Alpha they report to her.

In the main war Vanya wins. She almost loses Harry but he recovers.

She wins an Oscar and a tony for her acting skills and more Grammys.

Harry wins 7 Grammys.

Sebastian wins an Oscar and a Tony.

They play more roles in which they are love interests.

Harry and Vanya do a 2 part movie together.

Harry and Vanya retire and reside in Vanya's castle.

Thank you guys!

This is what happens in the story.

Hope you liked it.

If anyone wants to complete it.

They are more than welcome to just tell me and I'll give you the plot for the war and all.

See you in the next book.



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