my life bites part 3(un-edited)

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chapter 21

i screamed like ive never screamed before. 


my paul was in a heap by my wall trying to ease himself up.  

i stood and went to run to him, when my nanna turned to me with an imense and powerful look in her eyes and held one finger in the air. 

"imobil! you will stay!"she said stern and strong really angry. 

i didnt listen to her,he was he wasnt killed i didnt know, but when i went to take a step i couldn't make my body move!! 

i looked from paul who was now rushing to his feet, to my nanna with horror  

"what have you done,why did you do that?!" 

i yelled in fear and paul correction paul blurred to my side. 

he was that fast..i gasped and looked into his eyes, they were still my pauls eyes,it surprised me but i wasnt scared of nanna?hell yeah she was scaring me half to death right now. 

her hair was whipping around her head, her eyes blazed and she looked like a woman possesed. 

paul stood infront of me and i swear he snarled at my nanna! 

"let her go witch!"he shouted at her and she laughed.yeah laughed like a crazy person. 

kind of maniacle. 

"why fiend, so you can consume her,body,soul and powers?,i think not"she answered him angrily. 

i was so,so confused right now. 

"i would never!..."he didnt get to finish that sentence as my nanna(really wierd sayin nanna refering to this thing infront of me,seriously not the cuddley old nanna i remember)clapped her hands and said something under her breath. 

she reached out and touched the door frame and said loud and clear "you are wecome no dwell no are greeted never"and paul gave a strangled cry as his body was invisibly forced out of my room and into the corridor outside. 

he stood frozen outside looking confused an hurt as he stared at me. 

a tear rolled down his cheek as my nanna moved to the next door she would pull him through.the front door. 

i was screaming bloody murder and struggeled like crazy to follow him and as he got further away from me my calm centre

chapter 22

i became a monster....i felt it...i had crazy power inside of me and if my nanna didnt stop messing with my boyfriend id tear her apart with it...yeah thats were my head is at, as im tearing down the magical barriers she placed around me. 

running to the front door im stopped by another one...paul is on my front lawn his eyes sad as he sees me and he steps forward. 

my hands and his are on either sides of this invisible wall. 

"how did you get out,i put up a block?"my nanna asks shock and a little aww in her voice. 

"i smashed it to pieces, which i will do to this,and then you, if you do not let me go"i growled to her as my hand caressed the magic under it. 

"but he will take you!" she cried "he will devour all that you are,thats what they do.their thirst for blood and power has no end.we were once nearly extinguished by them, until the SHE came and saved us!"she was swaying on her feet now looking almost defeated and i was still filled with power and rage and i needed paul to stop me before i hurt someone,i just knew it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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