My Life Bites!(un-edited)

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hey I'm Kelly. 

this is my story,my life and my life is pretty much just like everyone else's. 

school sucks. 

my parents are always on my case and there just seem to be reasons to run away from my life every other day of the week. 

like the bullies that jump on any opportunity to make me feel like crap they stepped in. 

or the boy Ive been dreaming about for like ever who doesn't even know i exist. 

you know the usual stuff everyone goes through,well unless your in the popular crowd. 

when you have no money like my family and you don't have the designer gear to show how cool you are. 

you don't even register on the radar, unless they take offence to you. are screwed! 

me,well i just happened to be hard to miss..I'm tall I'm solidly built(not fat)but strong. 

i have long dark hair and blue,grey eyes and dark Mediterranean looking skin. 

i guess you could say i was the proverbial sore thumb,in a school full of blond(dye jobs included)wanna be Britney's. 

plus I'm weird,not in a freaky kinda way, more in a cant ever do or say the right thing, clumsy, always cocking things up kind of way. 

then there is the day dreaming....i cant help it, i just drift out of it and nothing around me penetrates the little bubble I'm in. 

when i come round people are always laughing at me but i can never remember what i was thinking about! its just strange! even i admit it and something has been telling me lately its getting worse. 

i have this feeling things are going to change..and i don't think its going to be good. 

chapter 1

Monday started off pretty much the same as always. 

i got up, ate and got to school just in time to rush to registration and deposit myself at the back of the class out of sight. 

from my seat here i could see all the little things the others tried to do without being caught....things passing from hand to hand under tables and behind backs,notes,money and joints to name but a few. 

i knew all their little secrets,knew who was doing what or who behind who's back and yet i was for all the world an invisible observer. 


but the way id been feeling lately,this dread coming in slow waves into my thoughts i didn't mind them ignoring my presence that was normal, comfortable,easy. 

all id heard since i came in this morning was Keisha's party. 

i knew i wouldn't be going..i never did. 

no invitation would come my way....unless it was to make me into a joke of some kind,this i knew and would be wary of. 

no, I'm not paranoid Ive seen it happen and its not gonna be me next...not if i can help it. 

so I'm in my last class before lunch and as per usual I'm day dreaming about..well i don't know what, when i suddenly get this heart stopping image of a guy in my clear he could have been standing face to face with me.gorgeous.that's the only way to describe him. 

that's when i fell off my chair! yeah and screamed with the jolt as reality came rushing in fast. 

now i know Ive seemed like the loner up till now, but no, i do have friends, i have lots actually just not popular ones. 

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