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               We found ourselves laying on the floor, staring at our phones as some stupid black and white movie played on the TV.  "Guys. What are we doing tonight? It just hit 11 and we're still sitting here? What the heck?" River complained. He was always the one to instigate our spontaneous actions, tonight was going to be no different.

                "Well," Taw started. "Technically, we're laying, but I get what you mean." She gave him the smug little smile that irritated him so much.

               "Shut up, Taw. I don't remember asking you to correct me."  He propped himself up on his elbow to get a better view of Taw's face.

             "You guys are going to stop that childishness right now." Onyx said calmly and yawning quietly. Taw and River instantly looked back to their phones, knowing that if Onyx put in her order, it was to be followed. I got up and crawled over Taw's torso, Onyx's legs, and River's arm before plopping down on top of them. All three shifted awkwardly under my weight, obvious confusion surfacing on their faces.

               "Umm, Doe?" River raised a brow at me.

            "Alright guys, Riv was right. Get up." I hopped off of my three  friends and stood, glaring at each of them until we all stood in a circle in the middle of the living room. "What shall we do today, guys?" I prodded. Taw's face slowly changed from relaxed to a mischevious grin.

               "We could let the hat decide . . ." She suggested. This brought a grin to River's face also. He chuckled.

                 "Sall we, ladies?" He asked. Onyx and I giggled and nodded.

          Ten minutes later, the four of us sat at the kitchen island, each perching on our stools as we watched Onyx reach her hand into an oversived black top hat. The Hat was ur form of entertainment. We asked our neighbors and friends to write a location that we could easily get to, an object, a person, or activity on a small peice of paper, and we put them all into the hat. We got over five hundred little peices of paper into our hat. The game was that when we were bored and had absolutely nothing to do, somebody reached into the hat and picked a little piece of paper.

Now, as Onyx's hand rummaged within the hat, I caught Taw whispering "Location, loaction." with her eyes squeezed shut and her fingers crossed. Onyx pulled out a green peice of paper and read what it said.

               "Dillyag Park." She said with a soft smile on her face. 

               Taw's fist hit the island top with a slam. "YEAH! Alright, what are we going to do at DP?" She asked excitedly. I looked at River, pleading only with my eyes for an idea. He scratched behind his left ear delicately and closed his eyes. Onyx walked softly past him and out of the kictchen motioning for us to follow. River was thinking now and was not to be disturbed.

               " He should be bursting in here any minute with an idea." I said, smirking. Taw and Onyx  sat on the couch and I settled myself inbetween them, one leg restiong on top of each of theirs as I inspected my nails. River appeared in front of us, his eyes a bright and sparkling green. "We should go to D.P with our slip and slide, have some fun, invite a few friends, and make a bonfire. We should just camp there while we're at it." He smiled, satisfied with his idea.

               "Sounds good to me. What about you guys?" I asked. Onyx nodded with a cheeky smile and Taw's face was hidden behind her iphone. "Taw?" I pressed. 

               "Oh, uh. Yeah! I was just . . ." She looked off sheepishly.

               "Just wh-" I started. Then Rivers words hit me and a huge grin reached my face. "Inviting Kai, right?" I giggled, the sound a melodious yet predatory one that echoed the room.

               "Y-yeah." She admitted, turning a little red. River groaned and rolled his eyes. He took Taw's phone and stuffed it into his pants. Taw sat there confused for a second before she got up and tackled him. As she sat on his belly, she whipered into his ear; "You have five seconds to reach down there and give me my phone back, otherwise we all know it'd be my pleasure to reach down there myself." River's eyes widdened and he struggled and figeted until he got her phone out of his pants and handed it to her, a light shade of pink flooding his cheeks.

               "What's your problem with Kai, Riv? Sheesh. He's a nice kid." I said, rolling my eyes dramatically at him. Onyx was behind me, nodding in agreement.

                "He's also super sexy." Taw added grinning behind me. She continued typing and soon the familiar 'bleep' of her phone was heard. "He said he'll be at D.P in an hour!" She squeeled and ran around the living room. Onyx burst out laughing as Taw deemed Kai as her tent-mate. I stood there laughing. River hugged me from behind and dug his face into my laugh, pouting. 

               "Why does he get like this every time Kai is or is going to be around?Onyx's familiar voice filled my head, even though when I looked at her she was grinning at Taw, who was still running around.

               "I have no idea. Maybe it has something to do with that time in 11th grade..?" I offered silently as I shrugged at her. She looked over at me and shrugged back as River purred into my neck. His breath was warm and it brought an exciting shiver down my spine, I shrugged away from him, smiling and pointed towards our rooms. "Well, guys. Let's go get ready!" I said enthusiastically. 

               Taw stopped running around, grabbed Onyx by the hand and lead her to her room. "You can borrow my . . ." Her voice faded as they dissapered into Taw's room. River walked slowly into his room and pushed the door as he entered, the door hitting the frame and swinging back with a soft creek, standing ajar. I sighed. 

               I've got a bad feeling about this. I entered my room, closing the door softly behind me.

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