Kai and Teddy - Double Heat

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                As soon as I hopped out of Rivers Olive Green Jeep, my feet landed on a soft cushion of grass. I walked around to the back of the Jeep to help Onyx, River, and Taw unload our sleeping bags, tents, food, and slip n' slide. As I turned around, two foldable chairs in each arm, I was met with the muscular chest of a tall male. From the screech coming from Taw's direction, I could make an educated guess and say it was Kai.

               "Hey, Sweetheart." Kai said. His voice deep but warm. he lifted up my head gently and kissed me softly on my forehead before making his way towards Taw and the others. I left the group and made my way into the middle of the clearing. Dillyag Park wasn't a park with a playground. It was a local camping ground and we had just rented out our usual camp site. It was our way of having fun and getting out of the house, not our actual attempt at camping, so our site had a full bathroom in one corner of our thirty-five by thirty-five clearing. I dumped my tent and chair into my usual corner of the clearing and was about to start setting up when I was grabbed from behind and pulled back into the trees.

               I didn't have time to scream, so I just reached up, grabbed the culprit by the neck, and flung him over me. Only after hearing a slight whimper did I realize who it was.

"Teddy! Damn it, Teddy! I've told you not to sneak up on me and do shit like that so many times!" I screamed, looking down at the lump of clothes that was curled up and groaning in pain on the dirt. River and Kai came running up to me seconds later, a concerned look on either of their faces. 

"What's going on here? Are you okay?" River prodded, taking my hand and turning me around, looking for any signs that I was hurt.

"I'm fine, Riv." I sighed. "Teddy just decided it would be funny to grab me from behind and drag me into the woods." I explained. I didn't want to make River get upset at Teddy, but he had to know that I was alright.

               The look that River gave Teddy was filled with a warning that Teddy was too much in pain to see. Kai groaned and, after apologizing to me more than eight times, grabbed Teddy and stood him up. Kai and Teddy looked exactly the same. Both were bare foot, both had muscular legs, obviously a result of sports and daily runs. Teddy's camouflage shorts reached down to his knees. There must have been keys or change in one of his many pockets, because as Kai pulled Teddy up from the ground, his shorts turned into a musical orchestra of metal clanging on to metal. A total contrast to Kai's tight jean shorts, which reached down to just two inches above the knee. Both wore identical light jean vests with white tank tops underneath, which Teddy proceeded to take off as he noticed me analyzing the two.

               Both the left and right side of Teddy's neck had a tattoo of a red rose. Kai's only tattoo was of an Ankh on the back of his neck. Compared to the rest of us, the only person with less tattoos than Kai was Onyx, who had none, but planned on getting one soon. Teddy's face was just like Kai's, and by that I mean identical. Identical twins. They shared the same perfectly structured nose, the same hard jaw line, the same sparkling hazel eyes. The same delicate pink lips.

               The only difference: Their hair. Teddy and Kai were gifted with the softest, natural platinum blonde hair. Teddy's hair had been that color since birth. Kai's would have been too, if Teddy, his younger brother by less than an hour, hadn't dyed his hair aqua blue as a joke when they were in 9th grade. Kai was horrified at first, but it grew on him, and he had kept it that way ever since. (It helped with telling them apart, anyways.)

               Giving his brother a meaningful glare, Kai turned and walked back towards Taw and Onyx to help them out. River stayed next to me, his arms crossed over his chest as Teddy grinned and spread out his arms. I stared at him for a second before laughing and running into his arms. Teddy was like my annoying little brother who was actually very protective and older than me by two years. He picked me up and squeezed me until I couldn't breathe and finally set me back down when River cleared his throat for the third time. He rolled his eyes at River and took me by the hand. I pulled away and took a few steps back towards River. 

"I'm fine now. It was just a joke, and I took care of myself." I convinced him to go back with a hug and a reassuring smile. 

               I took Teddy by the hand and pulled him to the ground next to me. 

"Make yourself useful and put up my tent for me while I set up the slip and slide, why don't ya." I said with a bright smile. He flicked me on the back of my head and smiled. "Only because you're adorable." He said. 

               I smiled again and kissed him the cheek before running off to the rest of the crew. As I ran I heard him say behind me, a smile in his voice; "You'd better stop doing that before River deems me his mortal enemy." 

               I didn't understand what he meant, but it must have been funny, because when I turned around, Taw was laughing out loud, Onyx was giggling into her hand, Kai was chuckling softly, and River had stormed off into the woods.

              "Alrighty then, Niggas. Let's get this party going!" Taw shouted into the sky. It was just past noon and the day was just beginning. Everyone scattered off to set up tents and lay out towels and chairs so that we could really get the day going.

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