Introducing: Onyx Creek

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          "Hey Girly!" Taw said into her iPhone. She and I were sitting in the Mustang outside of Onyx's house.

          "Get your rear end out here NOW Onyx! We have Nutella and peanut butter sammiches waiting for us at our place. You know damn well River will eat them all if we don't get there soon." she said. After a short pause she laughed and hung up.

          The only reason Onyx didn't live with River, Taw and I was because she decided she wanted to live on her own starting now, from the age of 20, so she wouldn't have to depend on anyone later. River, Taw and I knew we would do the same, if we had the money to do it.

          A matter of minutes later, Onyx bounced down the stairs. Her black, silky hair came just up to the base of her butt. Now, as she ran down the stairs, it flowed behind her. She was tan, some might say "obviously Spanish" . She was the shortest out of the four of us. Being 5'7" was fine with her. She didn't even mind when people had to ask to see her I.D to watch rated R movies. She had that kind of baby face. She wasn't fat. She wasn't skinny. Her body was toned and she barely even knew it.Her light brown eyes twinkled as she eyed us in the car, and she stopped at the bottom of the stairs to adjust her red spaghetti strap and her jean short shorts. She started walking toward the car, but realized that her red Chucks were untied and stooped down to tie them, causing a melodramatic groan to escape Taw's throat.

          A very antsy Taw asked "Could you be any slower?" as Onyx finally made it to the car.

          "Oh hush up you." Onyx replied. "We all know if the sandwiches were in any real danger of being eaten, Meadow would have thrown me in the car, thrown you to the side, and sped home." She said smiling at me.

          Taw thought about that for a second, looked at me, then Onyx, and all three of burst out laughing. " That's so true!" we all chimed. "But enough is enough." I said finally. "if we don't get home in about, 10 minutes, those sandwiches will be gone."

          Taw and Onyx continued laughing as we drove back to our apartment. It was always like this. We were always laughing. We were always joking. It was the good life, and we didn't even know it.

          As we pulled up to the apartment, River came bounding out like a puppy who hadn't seen his master in a while. It didn't surprise us too much. A werewolf always does that when he's left without his family for a while. River whined when we finally went inside. "Why were you gone for so long?" He asked, his eyes wide and glazed.

          Taw looked at the time. "Oh my. Sorry River. I didn't realize we were gone for that long. There was a shit-ton of traffic on Main street." She awkwardly scooted behind Onyx and I, obviously asking for help. She hated when River got that way.

          Onyx never knew what to do either. She tried explaining that the traffic really was horrific, but River wasn't having it. He pouted and his way to the couch, where he sat angrily. You could basically see the annoyance radiating off of him. I sighed. "Guess it's my turn." I said as Taw and Onyx smiled and gave me thumbs-ups. I walked up and stared at him for a few seconds before jumping on top of him and playfully growling.

          "Grrrrr. I River. I mad puppy. I SMASH!" I teased. He was obviously suppressing a grin, and when Taw and Onyx came in from both sides and started howling, he burst out laughing."You guys are the worst!" He said. "Can't you guys let people be mad at you?" he whined. We just laughed and rolled around on the floor.

          "You always get him good Meadow." Taw whispered.

          "Yeah, how do you do it?" Onyx asked.

          I grinned evilly. "You just have to go about it like you're talking to a puppy and a baby at the same time." I explained. This led to a whole new round of laughter, which was common in that apartment. We were all feeling great, and we were all special in our own way. River was a werewolf. Big whoop. Taw, Onyx and i were something special too, but that's for you to find out what later.



*And, I end chapter Two all corny-like. but ehhh. What can I say? I'm a corny-like person.*

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