Chapter Six

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Chapter 6 : Court

We already arrived at Hizuru few hours ago. But still, i can't stop thinking about Paradis...

Why does it feels like I'm running away from them

Mikasa sighed out of frustration

She looks around and shuts her eyes firmly

I can't just stay here and relaxed....

Everyone...including the queen is in there in the paradis battling in fear. But me? I didn't even know why I'm here...

It feels like I'm running away...leaving them behind...

Mikasa opened her eyes and looked down on her luggage when she accidentally saw a Familiar thing

Is it a...?

Flower...isn't a bell flower?

Who put this thing here???

Mikasa picked up a purple flower and stare at it lovingly

It somehow made her calm

Mikasa shuts her eyes again and then a memory came up from somewhere

Eren visiting her on her room last night

I don't...understand it sometimes...

I have so many questions left in my mind, i want to ask him everything but everytime i see him i can't even say a word related to what i wanna ask

"Lady Mikasa, your room us now ready. Come in and welcome to hizuru again", Kiyomi said with a welcoming tone

"Thank you so much Mrs. Kiyomi", Mikasa said

Kiyomi bowed "My pleasure".


I opened my eyes when heard the chirping sound of the birds


This is so new. I woke up in a new room.

Am i really supposed to be here???

Mikasa walk herself into the bathroom, after brushing her teeth she bathes herself and goes to the hall to meet Kiyomi but instead she saw an Familiar figure not Kiyomi but Prince Lucas.

"Good Morning Milady", Lucas Greeted her

"Thank You, Good morning too."

"Uhhh, bu the way have you seen Mrs. Kiyomi?", Mikasa asked

"Ohhh yea, she just left. She's gonna meet officials hehe if you know what i mean.", Lucas said and Mikasa nodded

"Where's Prince Yuzuki?",

"He's with Mrs. Kiyomi. By the way, have you eaten already? If not. Then let's eat together if you don't mind???", Lucas said while scratching the back of his head

"Oh, i won't mind.",

Lucas smiled and Mikasa just followed him

Lucas showed mikasa around, though it's her second time coming here in hizuru

Mikasa somehow became calm because lucas accompanied her in everything

She didn't feel alone whenever Lucas's with her

3 weeks had passed and they are going hizuru. My family in the Paradis.

I can't wait to meet them, to see them again

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