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「 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐩 」


𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: posting a day late, apologies again for this! I'm trying to get back on track of writing and having chapters ready to post. things are getting there, maybe some nice romance to make up for it

𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: dabi being dabi, getting into the league is like taking a standardized test, smoking is hot?, dabi is a bad boy™, possible poor decisions, mentions of sexual activities 

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: frank - original character created for the story

⊱·┈· ꕥ ·┈·⊰

When you arrived back at the League's current hideout, everyone was a bit surprised, seeing as how you'd just sort of up and disappeared for about two days. Dabi reassured Tomura that the hero had been taken care of, much better than just having him hide away in early retirement.

You still had a few heroes on the list given to you, four to be exact. However, thinking back on the list, you shivered thinking of one name.

The hero listed on the small paper you'd been handed, pledged to be turned to dust by Shigaraki as soon as you crossed the last name off of it, was Cheata, a hero name you'd seen and heard before.

Your parents, though they had neglected you until deciding to give you up entirely, often bragged about their lifestyles to other heroes. One of the heroes was Cheata.

A play on words with the animal, cheetah, relating to the speed at which he could hack into databases and ruin villain's plans, Cheata was a pretty interesting hero, playing a big role in solving scandals and removing true villains from their power as they exposed schemes to make millions under aliases and other nonsense that he was just able to uncover by hacking.

The man had met your father through a mission where they teamed up, and from there the rest was history. Frank, Cheata's real name, moved from America to Japan after graduating from a hero school in the states. His trip was originally scheduled for four years after his graduation, but an accident resulting in the emergency call from an agency in Japan forced him to move as soon as he tossed his cap in the air.

Frank was a kind guy, at least from the parts you could remember about him. You could vaguely picture him feeding you chips while you sat in a booster seat in the back of your mom's car after he told them they couldn't just leave a six-year-old by themselves back at home despite them having done it numerous times before.

And it certainly wouldn't stop them from doing it either. Once Frank left, they stopped pretending to be caring parents, not that they were ever trying hard in the first place in front of him.

In a weird way, Frank just sorta seemed to act like a big brother to you. He looked young, and from what you remember, he'd supposedly graduated from a hero college, and not high school, meaning he was at least in his early twenties.

Your worries began to eat away at you, and after the first hero you'd accidentally taken a little too much care of, you were worried about how Frank was going to affect you.

Not that you couldn't handle yourself against someone like him, you knew you could. Frank wasn't necessarily a physical threat, he was more a psychological threat. He might've hacked computers at light speeds, but he was used to using his words, his persuasive aura and way with speech made him that much more of a negotiator especially since he played a bunch of undercover agents for online transactions trying to catch villains in the act.

"You look awful lost in thought there." Dabi muttered, bringing you back to reality.

"Just trying to think of ways to kickstart the process. I'll be as quick as I can, but I can't just dig up something in one hour that'll take 'em down for good." You know it's going to be hard. 

And you know if you make Frank's attack personal, relating it back to your parents, it could draw attention to you. And the last thing you need is the media knocking on your door, asking for questions and interviews.

And it's not like Frank's reputation would be ruined. If anything, people might question his morals, but at the end of the day, saying he was friends with heroes who neglected their child wouldn't ruin his career for good.

"So make something up." Dabi groaned, flicking your forehead.

"It doesn't just work like that-"

"And who says it doesn't? You believed one of my folks was a hero, where's the proof to back that up? You don't see me handing over my birth certificate or a photo album." Dabi cracked a smirk.

"But I know you're not lying to me, you-"

"Do you really believe that, or do you just want to believe me?" Dabi lifted your chin with his forefinger, leaning down in the dim lighting of the empty deserted living room that had been cleared out once Shigaraki said everyone could go home for the night.

"It's not that easy. I can't just say they're fucked up and edit photos of them. I need more than that." You knew there were probably parts you could fabricate, or even exaggerate, but realistically, if the evidence fell through, you would become a public enemy, not that you weren't already one.

You had a small group on your side though, the ones that believed the hero society was corrupt. If they found out you were just as bad, you'd be done for. You needed them on your side.

"God, you in deep thought is not a good look. Why don't you get on your knees for me?" Dabi muttered, stepping away from you before reaching in his pocket to open a box of cigarettes.

"Want one?" Dabi offered a stick of nicotine to you but you declined, rather interested as he lit one up with a small flame he conjured in his hand. He placed it between his lips and inhaled, pulling in a long drag before letting it puff out past his lips.

"You know that shit can kill you..." You grumble.

"So can a lot of other shit, babe. I ain't worried about no fuckin' cig." Dabi chuckled dryly, ushering you over with his pointer and middle finger. You hesitantly walked over to him and stood beside him.

He gripped the collar of your shirt and pushed his lips to yours, blowing some of the smoke into your mouth. You instantly repelled, pulling away to blow the smoke out in his face.


"Looks good comin' out of that pretty little mouth."

"Get a life. I'm going home, don't break into my apartment again or we will have a problem." You sighed, waving goodbye as you wandered toward the front door.

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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k


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