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I have never be so bothered so hard to write a chapter. 😭


Y/n pov

it's been a month since I agreed to live with him. and surprisingly, the cohabitation was not hard. The next day we left to my home to pack my bags, it was a painful moment for me because I had lived everything in this house.

he helped me as much as possible, and that I am grateful to him for. Our habit doesn't change too much, I wake up at 8 am to wake him up, we take a shower together, with make-out sometimes. I cook breakfast while he get dressed, and we eat together. then he goes to work without forgetting to kiss me before leaving.

at the beginning, the first few days were fun, I spent my time having fun. I watched series, videos, everything that I didn't have time for before. but as time goes by, the more bored I got.

so I started to clean, go shopping to buy clothes, accessories for the two of us, and even baby clothes. but at the rest of a time, I couldn't find anything to occupy myself.


today I plan to bring dinner to Jungkook at his office. I know he often misses this meal because he's too busy, but then he doesn't eat anything all day. I took a simple outfit but which shows that I am jeon jungkook's girlfriend, rather his wife when you hear him speak.

the second time I came into his office he told everyone that i was his wife. at first i looked a little shocking because we had never broached the subject of marriage, and he hadn't yet proposed to me either. 

I took the keys to my car and left. i get in the car and drive to his favorite restaurant, mama jin. it's held by Mr. Kim Seokjin the husband of Namjoon. he has already taken me there and the food is really good and original. I park my car and enter the restaurant, a waiter greets me.

"hello miss, what can i do for you? ”he asks, winking at me.

"I am coming to get the order from mister jeon. ”I answer coldly.

"oh are you his secretary? I've heard a lot, his girlfriend knows about you two? ”he asks, I look at him lost.

"can you clarify? ”I ask.

"that you and mister jeon are in a relationship. " he answers.

"oh yes, no she didn't know. ”I answer, grinding my teeth.

"It made me happy to have discussed with you, see you next time. "he says giving me my order, I nod before leaving.

I'm going out of the restaurant on the nerves. how can he cheat on me with his assistant? and since when does he have a female assistant, i thought it was jimin? all his questions spin in my head, while the tears run down my face. I get in my car and drive to Jungkook's office, when I get there I get out of my car.

I enter the building, all the employees greet me. I walk directly towards the elevator, without worrying about the others. when I get to the top floor, I get out of the elevator.

also all the employees greet me, I walk up to Jungkook's office. before knocking I could hear voices, I recognize that of Jungkook but also that of a woman, I took my courage in both hands before opening the door suddenly.

and the scene in front my eyes breaks my heart. I could see Jungkook on the sofa and a woman on top of him. he looks at me with wide eyes and the girl with a smirk.

this smirk doesn't reassure me, it's as if she had done it on purpose. I look at Jungkook with an angry look, before approaching him and placing the order on the table.

"you have two seconds to explain yourself! ”I say, crossing my arms.

"it's really not what you think it is. "he said, trying to pull the girl away from him. 

"why lie to her oppa, tell her the truth. "said the girl.

"Shut up Lisa! ”he growls at her.

"you mean oppa. "she pout, but that didn't seem to interest him.

"so the waiter was right, you go out with that. "I say, disappointed.

"which server? and what are you talking about, i'm not dating her. ”he replies.  

"the one from mama jin. and yes that sounds like it. "I reply ironically.

"kai? ”he asks.

"I was too busy swallowing the news that I didn't ask his name. ”I answer.

"that's kai, that motherfucker. "he growls.

"kai or not, you didn't explain yourself! ”I raise my tone.  

"I'll explain everything baby. ”he said.

"Don't baby me now." I say and he nods.

"it's Lisa, my ex and also my ex-fiancée. she didn't appreciate the fact that I chopped off the engagement. "he explains.

"So you were gonna be marry her? ”I ask, hurt.

"yes and no, it was a forced marriage. ”he replies, I nod my head.

"and why are you canceling it? ”I ask.

"because I got you pregnant. ”he replies.

"So are you telling me that if I hadn't been pregnant you would have like even marrying her? ”I ask, really hurt.

"probably. " he answers.

I don't answer but I felt the tears start to rise. the whole time when he told me he loved me without knowing i was pregnant, it was just a blah blah.

he was even going to marry her in the final, and not me. we stay in silence, I could see this Lisa looking at me with a smirk before taking Jungkook's arm in hers. upon contact, he withdraws his arm from her with an angry expression.

"don't touch me! ”he yell.

"I will leave you in lover bird. "I answer before heading for the door.

"Y/n!" Yell Jungkook, i turns around.

"please don't go. ”he pleaded me.

"Jungkook what do you want me to do, that I do like I haven't seen anything. I'm sorry but I can't do this. "I answer with tears.

"talk to me. I don't want to lose you. ”he responds, crying too.

"you had to think about it before doing what you did. ”I answer.

"don't go, please, I love you. ”he crumbles into tears.

"i love you too, but i can't for now. we will talk about it again in the evening. ”I answer before leaving.


To be continued.

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I hope you liked this chapter.❤

there is no hatred towards Lisa, just fanfiction. 🙏

the rest is coming today or tomorrow. 😉

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