11 (end)

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!!!very sad moment, sensitive soul refrain. !!!


Y/n pov

I finally arrive at the time of delivery, I am currently 8 months pregnant and I am only waiting for one thing to expel this child from my body. Jungkook and I, our relationship is growing more and more. we were leaving every week on date, which I loved. I could see it in his eyes how much he loves me, and me too.

today like every day since my 6th month, Jungkook was next to me, his computer on his lap. he still do some work at home, which doesn't bother me but sometimes he forgets that I'm next to him. but this time not for long.


third person pov

y / n gets up to go get food, because her boyfriend couldn't hear her when she was next to him. she sighs, before getting up with all her strength. but a pain in his stomach made him regret getting up. she quickly realized that it was only a contractions and she continues to walk. without seeing what she had left behind.

she starts to take out everything she wanted from the fridge, before sitting down next to the counter. she begins to eat without worrying about anything else, when she felt like she was getting sick.

she gets up to sit on the sofa, believing it was just a drop in blood pressure. but nothing to do, the pain did not go away. but since she did not have enough space to lie down on the sofa, she gets up to go up to her room.

she lies down on the bed, covering herself with a blanket. she starts to feel better as soon as she feels relaxed. but without realizing, she falls asleep in bed. several hours passed, and the contractions did not stop, she even continued to be stronger and stronger.

she took a sedative that her doctor had prescribed for the contractions. she swallowed two pills before falling asleep, but nothing to do as the contractions continued. she starts taking more, more, until she finishes the bottle.

and as she wanted, the contractions stopped. she falls asleep just as quickly from fatigue. she wakes up three hours later, it was already late but she does not see Jungkook next to her.

she gets up before leaving the room, she could feel a pain in her lower part, but without knowing why. she saw Jungkook asleep on the sofa, his computer still on his lap. she smiles before approaching him. 

she closes the computer before placing it on the table next to it. she shakes Jungkook lightly to wake him up, who has her surprise straight up. he looked at her before he smiled, but his smile fades when he sees her closer.

her clothes were covered in blood, her legs were shaking and showing dry blood streams. he looks at her in horror, but she doesn't understand why. he looked at her one last time, her hair stuck to her forehead from the sweat, and the traces of tears were drying.

a thought crossed his mind, and it was a fear for their children. he looks at her before placing her on the sofa, and he spreads her legs. and seeing that, he started to cry. it was open, blood drying all over.

he hurries to go to the room, to see the scene in horror. their children were there on the bed, he was breathing slowly but he was still alive. y / n had given birth without knowing it, and alone in their room.

he hurries to wrap their children in a blanket before running out of the room. he took y / n with him in the car, she started crying all the way when she saw her child in his arms. get to the hospital, he hurries to get out of the car and help y / n, he runs inside. a nurse seeing them running towards them, she took y / n and their babies with her.

Jungkook started to cry, following the nurse. after taking y / n to a room and taking the child for exams, he had to explain what had happened. Jungkook explains everything happened, he felt so guilty for not being there.

the woman reassures him before leaving to call Jin. meanwhile, Jungkook calls everyone. after 30 minutes, everyone was in the hospital, even their parents. they could only do one thing, wait, wait for y / n to wake up to go see her.


Y/n pov

I open my eyes, I could hear machines and people running around. I remembered all, how I gave birth, how I cut the medical cords and how I protected my child while I fell asleep. I felt guilty for not calling Jungkook, for taking this medications.

I wanted just one thing, to see my kid and Jungkook. I could hear him from the other side of the door, he was there near me. I try to get up but I couldn't, my legs were asleep. I yell Jungkook name, I could hear a silence right after. the door suddenly opens, and he runs towards me.

"I am so sorry. "I cry in his arms.

"Me too, I should have been here. ”he replies, crying.

"no it's my fault, I felt it but I didn't know that was it. I took medicine to make it stop, it's all my fault. "I cry hard.

the nurse enters with jin, and a crib. jin smiles at me before letting the nurse lay the bed next to me. I could see it, my baby. I started to cry, as did Jungkook. I couldn't believe I had succeeded, I had managed to keep him alive.

"how are you y / n? ”jin asks.

"it hurts all over my body and I can't feel my legs anymore. "I answer.

"it's normal, we have to put your lower part in sleep . ”he replies, I nod.

"how's are my kid, jin?" Jungkook asks.

"surprisingly well, y / n just do fine to keep him alive. ”he replies, I sigh in relief.

"y / n do you remember what happened, can you explain it to us? ”he asks, I nod.

I begin to explain to them the moment from my first contractions until i waking up. I started to cry talking about childbirth, the hardest time for me. I could see Jungkook crying, I hugged him.

"you endured a lot on your own, but now everything is fine. the baby is safe. "he says, I smile.

"do you know what you gonna call her? ”asks jimin, we nods.


"Jeon harumi. " we say at the same time.


The end

I hope you liked this last chapter

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I hope you liked this last chapter.❤

I never cry so much to make a chapter. 😭🤧

I'm going to do a prologue, to announce the end of the end. 😉

thank you for everything, for all the feedback I had, for all the love that i received, and for all the moments we spent together in this story. ❤🥰🥰🤧🎉

~got pregnant by a ceo~Jungkook ff {+18/+21}Where stories live. Discover now