Part 6 (Ethan's POV)

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Author's Note: HI! I know this is the first time I've written an Author's Note but, I just thought I'd write tis one. My friend (GreyzRule) has been pestering me about posting more but I feel like I've written myself into a probverbial corner with Jess. I'm worried I seriously damaged the story line. So I've started writing from Ethan's POV. Probably won't help because well, I don't know how I feel about this story now.....


I don't know when I fell in love with Jess. Maybe it was when I first saw her in Algebra this year. Maybe it was when she and I started talking about Molly. Maybe it was when I told her about Molly. Most guys would blame it on Molly but, she is not in the wrong here. I am. Why couldn't I have just told Jess I was in love with her. Things would be so much easier.

No, no, that's not true. She doesn't love me back. She just wants to because I told her I loved her. She deserves better than me. I keep replaying telling her. I can't believe I yelled at her like that. I had a chance. I could've just let her love me when I answered the phone. I haven't spoken to her since that night. It's been 3 months and 15 days since I answered the phone and gave away my last chance with Jess. The next day I broke up with Molly.

I'd made a couple friends since then that told me what she'd been up to. One of which was Jason. A.K.A the jack ass that made out with Molly in a janitor's closet. Yes, I knew about Jake too but, that pooor guy was so drunk he could've been kissing a broom and wouldn't even know it. Not that Jess kisses like a broom, or that she is ugly like a broom or-- Oh god I sound like a babbling idiot! Anyway I knew about Jason, and Jake, and the 7 guys in between (yes, I counted). I also knew that none of these guys lasted more than one kiss.

I'd been waiting for something to happen. I don't know what. I'd assumed that eventually she'd go through every guy and eventually it'd be me in that closet. But I couldn't stand to think about that. I didn't want to be just another guy to Jess. I wanted to be her guy. I decided that I shouldn't dwell on it and eventually I'll get some cats. Until, I heard about Jason.

Ryan, one of my friends from before Jess, told me about Jess and Jason. He also just so happened to have it BAD for Taryn, Jess's best friend. He and Taryn were really good friends (which basically tore him up inside. he didn't exactly love the friend-zone but, then again, who did?) and she told him everything Jess was up to. And, for some unknown reason (okay maybe not so unknown), he told me all of this.

He told me that Jason had kissed Jason and that Jess had it bad for Jason. But, according to Taryn, Jess couldn't help but think of me too.

"This is your shot dude!" Ryan told me nudging me in the ribs

"No. She doesn't want me. She just feels bad for me." I said sulking

"Jeez! Can you stop being so depressed." This girl likes you.

"But believe me, just as a friend. I know her."

"SO DO I!" Ryan yelled smirking.

"Not like I do." I mumbled quietly as I walked away leaving him at his locker.

It took me all of 4th period to stop thinking about the potential of Jess liking me. It couldn't possibly be true. But I guess it could have. I'd been the one doing the avoiding right? No. I immeadiatly pushed that thought away. She didn't love me. How coould I ever compare to Jason? He was what, it seemed like, every girl wanted. I could never beat that.

"Shut up and focus." I told myself. But it was useless

I needed to prove to her that I was worth it. That she was worth it. Someone told me once that you only accept the love you think you deserve. I needed to show Jess that she did deserve love. Maybe I needed the convincing. Maybe I needed to realize that she just doesn't love me. "Why is it so hard for you to get over this fact." I screamed in my mind. Maybe Jason really really loves Jess. Maybe they will live happily together and I'll just get some cats and be a bartender. Wouldn't that be ironic.

"Just shut up and get over it you moron!" my brain cried out. "You will find someone else! Someone that loves and appreciates you." but this was pointless. I was hooked. She was like my own personal drug. Dammit Jess! Why couldn't she just be an awful person like she wants herself to be. Or, better yet, why did I have to be the only one that knew that that wasn't really Jess. That Jess was the girl that I was madly in love with because we hated the same things.

"Umm, Ethan?" Ryan inquired.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled

"You were thinking about Jess again, weren't you?" Ryan said with a smirk. "I swear Hayes. You've got it bad for this one!"

"Oh you're one to talk." I said grinning and gesturing towards Taryn who gave an innocent little wave from across the hall.

"Haha very funny Hayes."

"It was wasn't it?" I asked rhetorically

"Hilarious" Ryan growled

As we walked away I couldn't help but realize that I had been wrong and Ryan, for once in that child's life, was right. I undoubtably had it bad for Jessica Marooney.

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