Alexandra Kyleena Valerie

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Hey,guys so this is Alexandra back story so yeah.I hope you enjoy!
Let the story begin!


Alexandra Kyleena Valerie was born on  March 28, 1704. She had a hard life, her parents were abusive, controlling, and manipulate. She was forced to put on a fake smile and they were a perfect amily. On October 7, 1711 parents were killed by people in black outfit. They found her hidden in a closet and Alexandra was put into car. She no clue where they were taking her. They took her to their base and that where all the pain began.

When they arrived, she dragged inside put her into a room with nothing, but a bed, sink, and toilet. Alexandra was scared and confused. The next day, they dragged her out of the room.Throught the halls she saw many other kids.Turns out she was brought to a assassin training camp.Where young childern train to become assassins. She put on a field and forced to train. They forced not to show emotion and spreak when not spoken to. All the others were train the same way. By the age of 14, they were assigned missons to assist people.When Alexandra was 16, she was the best of her class. She emotionless and cold, an never miss.

On December 25,1920, Christmas day she was assigned to kill the richest man in the country. She sneaked into his bedroom where he was. He saw her before he could speak a word, she slit his throat. Once she killed him jump out the window and returned to the camp. At the age of 18 Alexandra decided to escape cause she was tired of killing and being told what to do. Once she escaped, she felt like the weight on shoulders suddenly disappeared, but she knew she isn't safe. At night of 1726, Alexnadra is 22, she was on an risky and dangerous.She had to killing and fighting her way out. Once her was out, she ran to the forest, out of breath.

She thought she was safe, but she was wrong. She was sniped in the back of the head and everthing went black. The next thing she knew she woke up with Andy,Nicky,Joe,and Booker cowarded around her. They asked if she was okay and  her to follow them, hesitant but she followed. They arrived at their safe house, they give her food.While Alexandra was eating she asked how she still alive,they look at each other then explain to that she  was in their dreams,she immortol and sured her that this happened before, she was shock,but not that shocked.A few weeks passed, Alexandra was getting used to being immortol. The team decided to asked why she so emotionless and how did she learn how to fight and kill.

Alexandra was hesitant to tell them, but she had a gut feeling that she can trust them. So she explain to them that she was a assassin and train to kill and emotionless, cold, and heartless. They were shock how much she been through. After few months later, Alexandra is now used to being immortol. She finally found a familly that care and love her. She hang out with and train with Andy. Nicky, Joe, and Booker saw how close me and Andy have gotten that they started shiping us togather.

At first I didn't understand what they  meant, but Andy look like understand. I asked them what they meant, they repiled saying it was nothing with a smug look on their face. At first I ignored it, but whenever I'm with Andy I start have this weird feelimg, at first I didn't understand so I asked Nicky and Joe, wrong choice. They teased me about how the feeling, and explaining that I liked Andy. I asked Booker, he just smirked and said he I didn't know what it was.

Few years later

Me and Andy are watching the sunset together,then was both look at each other and smiled, I blushed. Andy sigh,then suddenly, Andy confessed her feelings, and I was stunned, I sturred while confessinf my feelings too, then we kissed. Nicky and Joe are squealing,nBooker chuckling and all they were claping. Me and Andy just laugh and kissed again and smiled. Then got married. And we met Nile,we made memeries to togather. Do missons to togather, be a family, travel. And Nile and  Booker fell in love and kissed while me and Andy hold Nicky and Joe from murdering Booker for kissing and being in love with Nile. And the rest is history.

I hope enjoy,and pls commet !
-Andy_wifey out!

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