Chapter 1: Chin - The Letter

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Inside her bedroom, Chin once again unfolded the letter she has received that afternoon. She cannot count how many times she opened and reread the letter over and over again until each word is etched in her memory. The moonlight passing through her bedroom window illuminates the very words that make her heart skip and stomach flutter. Until now, she cannot believe that he has spoken to her, let alone send her a letter to make her dreams come true.

‘Dear Chin,

Thank you for helping me out in our exam this afternoon.  I will not survive without your help! As a token of gratitude, would you like to dance with me on the prom? Promise me that you will and I promise that you will not be disappointed!



Chin noted every detail of Jay’s unique round and curvy handwriting. She knows his handwriting by heart as she always secretly checks his paper every time there is a quiz or examination. ‘Truly, this is Jay’s handwriting’, Chin told herself, once again noting his round ‘a’s and curvy ‘m’s. She was so happy to know that the letter came from him.

That afternoon, all the fourth years have their third periodical examinations. Chin glanced at Jay’s usual seat beside the window. She noticed that Jay appeared to be tense while he is writing in his examination booklet. She wondered if he was not able to study well, his frown made it obvious to her. Chin scraps a piece of paper and writes a note to her best friend, Mitch, who happened to sit beside Jay.

‘Bes, do you find the exam difficult? Could you check if Jay is having a hard time answering the questions? I would send some answers if you like’

 The moment the teacher turned his back, she hurriedly pass the note to Mitch, who is two seats away on her left. Mitch reads her note, glances momentarily at Jay, turns to Chin and mouthed ‘Yes’, her eyes twinkling.  She knew exactly what Chin is up to. Mitch is smart enough to know the answers, and she knows that Chin only wanted to help her crush. And who would say no to free answers?

Chin hurriedly writes her answers in a sheet of torn paper. English is the subject of their examination and she is more than a hundred percent confident in her answers since it is her favorite subject. She is glad to know that she could help her crush and best friend this way. She pressed the paper into its tiniest fold and passed it as soon as the teacher looks the other way. Mitch receives the note, gave her the slightest thumbs up and the most mischievous grin. At the corner of her eye, Chin watches Jay leans towards Mitch and whispers, as if asking for help. She saw how Mitch unfolded her ‘cheat sheet’ and they both copy her answers furiously fast, afraid that they might get caught.

This continued on until the end of the period. Chin has passed her notes to Mitch around three times, giving answers that she is confident of, which happened to be many. Meanwhile, Mitch is more confident of her math skills and she knew that Chin is struggling with it, so she has sent some notes to her as well. Their classmates do not mind their cheating as they have also utilized their own cheat techniques anyway. Friends who cheat together, graduate together, as Mitch once pointed out.

After examinations, Mitch excitedly went to Chin, holding a piece of neatly folded paper. ‘Bes!’ she exclaimed, ‘I have a great news for you!’ then she handed Jay’s letter to her. After reading the letter, for a moment, Chin is dumbstruck. She cannot believe what she has just read.

‘Mitch, are you sure this is from him?’

‘Absolutely!’ Mitch gave her a wide smile. ‘I guess you must give him a response.’

Chin searched their classroom and spotted Jay walking towards the door. Jay caught her staring at him, gave her a shy smile, and went out of the room. Chin’s heart began to pound furiously. He smiled at me, Chin thought, bubbling with happiness.

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