Chapter 2: Chin - The Prom

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The excitement for the junior and senior prom of Alnino National High School is definitely on the rise. Chin could certainly feel the students’ restlessness and utter fervor as everyone seemed to talk only of what they would wear, who they wanted to dance with, and their anticipation for romantic encounters. If their hormones are measured by thermostats, Chin thought, they would definitely break thousands. With a thousand students participating, no hotel in their small town could accommodate them, and their public school could not afford it even if they tried. Hence, the school decided to hold their event in their own grounds (on the track field facing the amphitheater), much to the disappointment of more well-off students, while the poorer ones are still complaining of the cost of everything anyway. As being in charge with the decorations, Chin is determined to make the stage as beautiful and elegant as possible, even if they are surrounded with dirt and grass. 

‘Since we are in an open field’, Chin pointed out ‘we could take advantage of the beauty of moon and stars’

‘Only if it will not rain’ one of the members of her decoration committee replied. Others murmured in agreement.

‘It will not rain’ Chin asserted ‘I may require everyone to dance every night before the prom to appease the gods not to rain’

‘Well, you could teach us the steps’ Jay enthused, and everyone laughed. Chin smiled and turned her back hastily to hide her blush. Then she changed her subject back to the details of the decorations.

Chin is surprised that Jay is willing to help out in the decorations committee. As officers of the Student Body Organization, she and Mitch volunteered to spearhead the committee. Chin thought Jay would join the dance committee, since he is quiet a talented dancer and is a member of their school cheering squad called Vudotz. Her heart is doing flip flops every time Jay would offer his hand to carry all the materials they have bought, or do some carpentry for the backdrop. His quick smile and general friendliness and even his presence alone motivate Chin to do her best for the stage design.

Sending her that letter and offering his help could not help Chin from feeling hopeful. She noticed that she became warmer towards Jay as they would often exchange ideas regarding the design. They have talked more these days compared to all of their combined conversations on the past three years. Chin has finally relaxed in Jay’s presence and she is able to laugh and joke with him. Chin sees the world in a brighter light, and each time she spent in the decorations committee brings delight on her. Because of Jay.  

Neither of them mentioned anything about the letter, but Chin knew that everything is going on the right direction. She and Jay became friendlier, and she is quiet happy to simply know that Jay has an initiative to help her.

A week from now, thought Chin, I would have the most romantic night I would ever have.


Despite of all the happiness she is experiencing, Chin did not fail to notice Mitch’s change in behavior. Her friend, who is usually chatty and loud, has become a bit reclusive and quiet.

A day before the big day, Chin finally has the courage to ask Mitch of the things that might bother her. On the past few days, she noticed that Mitch became less enthusiastic and her eyes seemed to wander aimlessly. So far, Mitch has not opened up any problems, aside from some complaints of coughs and colds. Chin is not convinced that Mitch’s listlessness is all about a runny nose, her best friend instincts seemed to be on full radar. She loves Mitch with all her heart, and she is willing to do anything to make her best friend bounce back to the way she used to be. Ever cheerful and ever funny Mitch.

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