Chapter 5:

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Warning: swearing, stabbing, death, pink bl0od

Hajime's POV:

Me and Nagito started towards the abandoned building, it's tall structure creating a looming shadow above us as we got closer. I wonder if it looks cool, I mean, it should do right? Since Nagito helped. We were finally at the doors, only to be stopped, only to be stopped by Byakuya. He stood infront of the entrance, arms crossed and a stern face. "And where do you two think you are going?" We both looked at each other, confused. "U-uh the party-?" Nagito's voice stuttered a bit due to the overwhelming fear of Byakuya. He truly was one of the more scarier people here. He 'tch'ed' at us. "First, you have to get a pat down, I shall not be allowed into the party with any seemingly dangerous items. The others have all had it too, you two are the last ones. There was only one small incident of which I confiscated Kazuichi's screwdriver." We both nodded, it was for the better I guess. As Byakuya was patting me down, we hear a shrill 'yelp'. We both look towards him and see his hand bleeding. What the... He was looking at me with some sort of death stare, it was scary. "Your....ahoge....seems to be a very dangerous weapon, Hajime." I was absolutely confused. My hair...stabbed him....? What the fuck?! "I can't help it! It's hair for goodness sake. It just stays like this, no matter how hard I try!" He sighed. "Given the circumstances, I shall allow you in, seen as you cannot help it. But do be warned, if I sense you causing any amount of damage to anything, I shall have you removed and taken care of." I shivered, and it seems Nagito had the same feeling as me. God why is he so scary?

When we entered the building, we were flooded with lights and sound. Everything was overwhelming. I could see Nagito cowering under the pressure. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him near a wall, mostly away from everyone else. We started talking for a bit until I heard both our stomach's rumble. Guess we were hungry. "Ah- sorry Hinata-Kun, I seem to be a little hungry." His voice coming out as barely a whisper. I chuckled at him. "Me too, say why don't I go get us some food." He nodded his head slightly, still obnoxious of his surroundings. I went and walked over to the food. There were barely any left, since Akane was stuffing it down her throat. Suddenly, the light went out... it was very dark. I couldn't even see my own hands infront of me. I heard some movement in the distance. Then... "Ow!" Was that someone speaking? I couldn't tell. Another few noises that I couldn't recognise could be heard but then...silence...why was it so quiet? I wanted to go back to Nagito. I had to confess, I was very scared of the dark, but this was not the time to panic! Not infront of everyone else. I took a deep breath. 

The light suddenly flickered back on. What a relief. I looked around the room and saw a bit of pink coming from underneath one of the table cloths. I slowly walked towards it. Adrenaline was filling up every inch of my body. I was shaking. Some people seemed to notice what I was doing and watched me. All the eyes were on me. It was overwhelming. I could feel their stares in the back of my neck. I had to keep going, show them I am brave! I slowly but surely made my way there, I crouched down, then lifted my hand up to the cloth. It was like everything was in slow motion. All the more for me to back away and hide....but....I was curious... I then grabbed the white sheet of fabric and lifted it...inch by inch... and what was awaiting me on the other side.... well...I was speechless...the words were knocked right out of me...I was terrified....

It was......!!!

Hajime Hinata, the Final MastermindWhere stories live. Discover now