Asteria design 🌌 [main OC]

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Heyy, it's been a long time since I have drawn and I'm always glad to come back.

I'm doing alright per usual. I have started biking as a hobby.

I took a break from writing and drawing since my burntout wasn't getting any better.

I think I'm fine now? I finally draw something at least.

Even though, I haven't been drawing for awhile.

I have been watching loads of tutorial so I guess that helped.

My art style changed for some reason but to be honest, I love it.

I will be posting more soon about my OCs.

Asteria and the rest of my characters aren't my personas... (HAHAHHAHA I SWEAR THEY'RE FAR FROM MY PERSONALITY)

UNDERTALE OCS BY THE WAY which I will explain about my Seleneverse.

Here's a short summary I found from my notepad that was written months ago...

Seleneverse is a universe Selene and her twin, Seline, created to make a perfect story about romance. When I mean romance, she wants to understand love that is. She is a god, a creator, whom cannot understand human emotions, and wants to understand why people would go so far for a thing such as "love".

She started to create a perfect timeline, a perfect story, and a perfect universe to help her comprehend what love is. Her targed initially was to create a heart wrenching love story, and used the "evil" sanses as her tool. She wanted to experiment if Villains were also capable of love.

I'll explain more through the updates since I'll be post others as well.

Thank you for being here <3

So here are the sketches... my pen broke actually hahaha


This is the closest I found on my phone and it has shit quality

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This is the closest I found on my phone and it has shit quality.


TW: cringe lmao

TW: cringe lmao

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(Not official

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(Not official. Will be adding another drawing next update)

♡ Asteria
♡ Role: Villainess
♡ Nickname: Aster or "killing machine"
♡ AU: ForbiddenWitchTale
♡ Creator is Seline
♡ 143 years old (21 years old physically)
♡ Pansexual with she/her pronouns
♡ 5'4 ft (163 cm)
♡ A witch kind (from my AU ForbiddenWitchTale)

Character stats: (overly exaggerated)

LV: 9999999999999+

EXP: (a stupid immeasurable amount)

ATK: 9999

HP: 1000

Weapon: hands lol, and no specific weapon used.

♡ Physically strong
♡ Agile
♡ excellent vision and hearing
♡ strong senses

Character description:

♡ Hobbies include sleeping and sleeping and sleeping

♡ Favourite food is pudding and coffee jelly

♡ Milk... loves milk...

♡ Likes: friends, food, sleeping, getting pet, and revenge

♡ Don't Like: Humans, Humans, Humans, Monsters, and Humans again

♡ For real though... She hates getting wet. She hates injustice and unfairness. She hates self righteous people. She hates her own creator.

♡ Her mom is a combination of a witch and familiar which expains her animal ears (Asteria is basically a chimera which is both monster and human)

♡ She used to be cheerful, kind, and happy... KEY WORD "used". The bad sanses influence is-

♡ Her personality is... confusing. Very manipulative, gaslighter, vengeful, and merciless. (After her memories recovered)

♡ She thinks she is doing what is best but makes the most careless decisions

♡ Clever and intelligent but has 0 knowledge of human emotions

♡ Hatred for both humanity and monsters

♡ Always detached from herself

♡ Deep hatred towards herself knowing what she does and what she is

♡ easily provoked


♡ A threat to the multiverse (seleneverse)

♡ As cringy as it may sound, she has a split personality or alter. Which she doesn't remember not until her memories recovered.

♡ Aria is her protector. Her alter. (More info on the next update)

♡ Asteria was created by the twins Seline and Selene.

♡ Asteria was created to be a villainess, born as a villainess, and made as a villainess.

♡ She had an overly exaggerated tragic backstory because of her creators making her an overly edgy and emotionless villainess. (HAHAHA TALK ABOUT A BAD WRITER)

♡ To her, humanity was a mistake. Humans nature are greedy, cheater, selfish, self-centered, liars, manipulators, arrogant, entirle, jealous, and cruel. Monsters however were the same. They were influenced by the same manners of humans.

♡ Once her memories recovered, it did not matter at first. After all, she was happy with them wasn't she?

♡ Confusions striked her. Previous memories of previous timelines of seleneverse played on her head. She was killed again and again and again and again. Either that, or she killed them again and again and again.

♡ There was no happy ending for her. A villain is a villain. Her role was to become a villain. Nothing more than that.

♡ She wasn't supposed to feel love. She wasn't supposed to have friends. She wasn't supposed to be happy along with them. She was nothing but a monster, worse than a monstsr, worse than a human. She was a toy, a "machine", an obstacle, and a villainess.


That's it for now?? Haha, I'm not actually planning to turn this into an actual book because I know you guys aren't that interested. I also have to continue ISLY somehow...?

Thank you for reading if you had actually reached this far.

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